Work placement, procedure for recognition

Für Studierende in den Studiengängen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Technische Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Aufbaustudium
Attention: From now on, the documents for the recognition of the compulsory internship TVWL and WiIng will be submitted paperless via the WiWi portal.


For students in the degree programs Industrial Engineering, Technical Economics


Considerations before submitting the internship documents for crediting to the compulsory internship


The compulsory internship is a prerequisite for admission to the final examination in the degree program (usually the final thesis). Once an internship has been completed, it does not expire for reasons of deadline. (This also applies to work placements completed before commencement of studies). Therefore, if you have completed an internship early in your studies, you have the option of choosing a later date for it to be recognized as a compulsory internship.

As soon as the proof of the compulsory internship has been entered in the system, a semester of leave can be applied for with a further internship at SLE/Student Services if certain time conditions are met and the WIWI Examination Office determines that the internship is relevant to your studies (information on the semester of leave: SLE/Student Services).

However: Companies often require so-called compulsory internship certificates for the internship offered. As long as the compulsory internship has not been proven, the KIT faculty will issue certificates stating that the student named on them has to complete a compulsory internship as part of their KIT degree program and that this has not yet been proven.

After providing proof of the compulsory internship to the KIT faculty, the student receives a certificate stating that the compulsory internship has already been completed and that a voluntary, study-related internship is supported by the faculty.

Against the background of the respective consequences and further study planning, it should be carefully coordinated when internship documents are submitted as proof of the compulsory internship. Once a compulsory internship has been submitted and booked, it can no longer be reversed. (In the Bachelor's degree program in Information Management, however, there is less flexibility with regard to when the internship is booked due to the performance review carried out at the faculty).

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Who is responsible?

The Examinations Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is responsible for the recognition of compulsory internships in the WiWi degree programs.

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What is submitted?

The basis for the recognition of a professional internship for the compulsory internship is the certificate issued by the internship office (company) for the professional internship completed.

Furthermore, a self-prepared report must be submitted for each internship completed. Handwritten reports will not be accepted.


  • In principle, it is possible to provide evidence of the required minimum time over several internships (see the guidelines for more details). However, the assessment for recognition of the compulsory internship will only be carried out once the compulsory internship has been completed in full.

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Formal requirements

Internship certificate

  • Official letterhead of the company or official internship evaluation form,

  • Signature of a responsible employee of the company (verifiable).

Internship report

  • Minimum length one DIN A4 page per internship (not handwritten!).

  • The report must be signed by the intern and by a responsible employee of the internship position (verifiable).

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Information in the internship certificate

The internship certificate must contain the following information.

  • Company/location,

  • Details of the employment relationship (explicitly "internship"),

  • Information on the duration of the internship, weekly working hours and any interruptions to working hours (e.g. vacation, sick days)

  • Type of activity/activities and department/departments.

In the case of simultaneous commercial and technical content, a pro rata allocation should be made.

Example of an internship certificate

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How to submit?

Paperless submission via a form in the WiWi portal. The required documents can be uploaded there.

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Proof of performance/credit points

The Faculty's Examinations Office will issue a certificate of achievement for the successfully completed compulsory internship without details of the internship completed. This certificate of achievement will be forwarded internally to SLE/Student Services for booking the credit points.

In regular operation, it takes a maximum of 3 weeks from submission of the internship documents to dispatch to SLE. The booking at SLE can take up to another 2 weeks. (If clarification is required and queries arise during processing, the processing time will be extended accordingly.

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