Internship, certificate from the company

Every internship that is to be recognized as part of the compulsory internship in the degree program must be certified by the company. The certificate must meet the following formal and content requirements:

  • Official letterhead of the company or official internship evaluation form
  • Name of the intern
  • Information about:
    • the employment relationship (explicitly "internship"),
    • the duration of the employment relationship (period, weekly working hours, interruption of working hours in the event of vacation or illness, etc.)
    • the type of activity(ies) and department(s),
    • Signature of a responsible employee of the company.

In the case of both commercial and technical activities, a pro rata allocation should be made in the certificate if the trainee guidelines differentiate between these two fields of activity (Dipl.-Wi.-Ing.).

Evaluative statements on performance and leadership ("work certificate") are only required for the recognition of internships in the Bachelor's degree program in Information Management according to BPO 2005.

Example of an internship certificate with the required minimum information

[Letterhead of the company]

Internship certificate

Mr./Mrs. [first name last name], born on [date], was employed full-time as an intern in our company in the period from [date] to [date].

During the entire period, Mr. / Mrs. [last name] worked in the area [xyz] and was primarily entrusted with the tasks in the area [xyz].

The intern was present on / all working days / x days on leave / y days off sick / [or indicate other days of absence] during the above-mentioned period.

His/her activities during the internship included in detail:

  • Activity 1 [period, department]
  • Activity 2 [period, department]
  • Activity 3 [period, department]
  • ...

[Only for Information Management (B.Sc.): Evaluation of the trainee and his/her activity]

[Place], [Date of issue]

