Facilities of the KIT Faculty (A - Z)

  Name Phone E-Mail
Dean's Office

Eve Weiss

Sonja Thevenin





Management Iris Winzrieth

Rebecca Valerius


International Relations

Jie Han 

0721/608-48582 international.relations∂wiwi.kit.edu
Communication Melanie Ungemach 0721 608-45623


Partner Management 

Kirsten Greiner

0721/608-41587 kirsten.greiner∂kit.edu 
Service coordination Barbara Müller 0721/608-46221 leistungskoordination∂wiwi.kit.edu
Module Coordination Dr. André Wiesner 0721/608-44061 modul∂wiwi.kit.edu
Examination Office Ralf Hilser
Anabela Relvas
0721/608-43768 pruefungssekretariat∂wiwi.kit.edu
Study Program

Barbara Müller


International Study Program
Janina Schmidt 0721 608-47294 janina.schmidt2∂kit.edu
Timetable ref.

Raoul Rhem
Johanna Stimpel

0721/608-45623 stundenplanreferat∂wiwi.kit.edu
Wiwi-IT Dr. Frederic Toussaint 0721/608-46056 toussaint∂kit.edu

Associated facilities

Equal Opportunity Officer Promotes equality between women and men and advises on issues relating to the reconciliation of work and family life
Faculty Library Holds literature on numerous economic and related research and teaching areas
Mittelbau Represents the academic staff of the KIT Faculty of Economic Sciences
Student Council Represents the students of the KIT Faculty of Economic Sciences


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Dean's Office

Eve Weiss

Sonja Thevenin

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Phone Eve Weiss: +49 721 608-42147

Phone Sonja Thevenin: +49 721 608-47956
Fax +49 721 608-43936
E-Mail: dekanat∂wiwi.kit.edu / thevenin∂kit.edu

Opening hours: Mo-Fr 10-12 am

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Student Council

Organization of the student body of the faculty. Provides numerous services to students.

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 608-43806

Consultation hour: every day from 11am  to 2pm

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Faculty Library

The Faculty Library of Economic Sciences is a branch of the KIT Library. It holds literature on numerous economic and related research and teaching areas.


Blücherstraße 17
D-76185 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 608-43080
E-Mail: fakultaetsforum∂wiwi.kit.edu

Opening Hours: Monday- Friday, 9:00 - 10:00 am

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Iris Winzrieth
Rebecca Valerius

Kollegiengebäude at Kronenplatz (building 05.20)
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Phone Iris Winzrieth: +49 721 608-42147, - 47633
Phone Rebecca Valerius: +49 721 608-47631
Fax +49 721 608-43936
E-Mail: iris.winzrieth∂kit.edu / rebecca.valerius∂kit.edu


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International Relations

To promote study-related stays abroad, the Wiwi-IRO maintains and coordinates the international cooperations of the KIT faculty.

Jie Han

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Raum 3B 03
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 608-48582
E-Mail: international.relations∂wiwi.kit.edu

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Communication & Partner Management 

Public Relations | Events | Partner Management

Melanie Ungemach & Kirsten Greiner 

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Raum 3B-04
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 608-45623
E-Mail:  melanie.ungemach∂kit.edu/ kirsten.greiner∂kit.edu

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Service coordination

Barbara Müller

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: leistungskoordination∂wiwi.kit.edu 

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Module Coordination

Dr. André Wiesner

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 608-44061
E-Mail: modul∂wiwi.kit.edu

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Examination Office

Office of the Examination Board. Preparation and receipt of applications to the examination board, general administrative tasks in connection with examinations, course guidance, internship office.

Ralf Hilser
Anabela Relvas

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Raum 3C-05
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 608-43768
Fax +49 721 608-48028
E-Mail: pruefungssekretariat∂wiwi.kit.edu

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Study Program Coordination

Contact point for questions from students, prospective students, and staff regarding the selection process as well as bachelor's and master's degree programs at the department.

Barbara Müller

Telefon +49 721 608-46221
E-Mail: barbara.mueller∂kit.edu

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International Study Program Coordination

Contact point for questions from students, prospective students, and staff regarding the selection process for the international master's degree programs at the department.

Barbara Müller

Telefon +49 721 608-46221
E-Mail: barbara.mueller∂kit.edu

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Timetable ref.

Assists faculty institutes in coordinating lecture hall assignments. Prepares the faculty's semester-by-semester lecture schedule.

Raoul Rehm

Johanna Stimpel

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 608-45623
Fax +49 721 608-43936
E-Mail: stundenplanreferat∂wiwi.kit.edu

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Equal Opportunities Officer

Carina Benz

Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz (Geb. 05.20)
Kaiserstraße 89
D-76133 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: carina.benz∂kit.edu
Telefon +49 721 608-45774

Ann-Sophie Finner

Zähringerhaus 5. OG (Geb. 01.85)
Fritz-Erler-Str. 1-3
76133 Karlsruhe

E-Mail: ann-sophie.finner∂kit.edu

Telefon: +49 721 608 47335

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Wiwi-IT summarizes all activities of the KIT faculty which concern IT.

Dr. Frederic Toussaint
Kim-Gabriel Deckert
Thorsten Rüger
Alexander Scharfe
Michael Schröder
+ Auszubildende

Kollegiengebäude am Ehrenhof (Gebäude 11.40)

D-76128 Karlsruhe
Telefon +49 721 608-44285
E-Mail: service∂wiwi.kit.edu

  • Opening hours: Every day, 24 hours with KITCard
  • Service hours: Monday - Friday 9.00-12.00 and 13:00-16:00

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