Professors at the KIT-Department of Economics and Management


Name Research Group Institute
Jun.- Prof. Dr. Johannes Bracher Multi-Model Nowcasting and Short-Term Forecasting of Infectious Disease Spread STAT
Prof. Dr. Johannes Brumm Macroeconomics ECON
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Wolf Fichtner Energy Economics IIP
Prof. Dr. Andreas Geyer-Schulz Information Services and Electronic Markets CIN
Jun.- Prof. Dr. Emilia Graß Operations of Critical Infrastructures KASTEL
Prof. Dr. Oliver Grothe Analytics and Statistics IOR
Prof. Dr. Adrian Hillenbrand Experimental Market Design (with ZEW Mannheim) ECON
Prof. Dr. Martin Klarmann Marketing & Sales CIN
Prof. Dr. Fabian Krüger Applied Econometrics STAT
Prof. Dr. Ann-Kristin Kupfer Digital Marketing CIN
Prof. Dr. Sanja Lazarova-Molnar Systems, Data, Simulation & Energy AIFB
Prof. Dr. Hagen Lindstädt Management IBU
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche Human-Centered Systems Lab (Information Systems I) WIN
Prof. Dr. Kay Mitusch Network Economics ECON
Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel Discrete Optimization and Logistics IOR
Prof. Dr. Petra Nieken Human Resource Management IBU
Prof. Dr. Andreas Oberweis Business Information Systems AIFB
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott Economic Policy ECON
Prof. Dr. Jella Pfeiffer Information Systems III WIN
Prof. Dr. Clemens Puppe Economic Theory ECON
Prof. Dr. Steffen Rebennack Stochastic Optimization IOR
Prof. Dr. J. Philipp Reiß Industrial Organization ECON
Prof. Dr. Martin E. Ruckes Finance and Banking FBV
Prof. Dr. Harald Sack Information Service Engineering  AIFB
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Scheibehenne Consumer & User Behavior Lab CIN
Prof. Dr. Melanie Schienle Statistical Methods and Econometrics STAT
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Frank Schultmann Business Administration, Production and Operations Management IIP
Prof. Dr. Oliver Stein Continuous Optimization IOR

Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter (on leave)

substitute Dr.-Ing. Tobias Käfer

Web Science AIFB
Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis Entrepreneurship, Technology Management and Innovation EnTechnon
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julian Thimme Finance FBV
Prof. Dr. Marliese Uhrig-Homburg Financial Engineering and Derivatives FBV
Prof. Dr. Maxim Ulrich Financial Economics and Risk Management FBV
Prof. Dr. Alexey Vinel Cooperative Autonomous Systems AIFB
Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer Security • Usability • Society AIFB
Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt Information & Market Engineering WIN
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marion A. Weissenberger-Eibl Innovation and Technology Management EnTechnon
Prof. Dr. Berthold U. Wigger Finance and Public Management ECON
Prof. Dr. Marc Wouters Management Accounting IBU
Prof. Dr. J. Marius Zöllner Applied Technical-Cognitive Systems AIFB


Current leaders of a KIT-Nachwuchsgruppe
Name Group Title Institute Programme
Dr.-Ing. Tobias Käfer Knowledge Graph-based Artificial Intelligence Systems AIFB other funding sources
Dr. Sebastian Lerch Artificial Intelligence for Probabilistic Weather Forecasting STAT other funding sources
Dr.-Ing. Rebekka Volk Project and resource management in the built environment IIP other funding sources

For more details on the KIT-Nachwuchsgruppen please see hier.


Honorary Professors

The entries are sorted by date of appointment, starting with the first appointment.

Name Institute
Zink, Achim FBV
Meier-Preschany, Manfred FBV
Bronner, Albert IIP
Heilmann, Wolf-Rüdiger FBV
Lutz, Günter FBV
Heilmann, Wolfgang AIFB
Wolf, Thomas AIFB
Wollert, Artur IIP
Satzger, Gerhard KSRI
Hansis, Martin IOR
Müller, Wolfgang FBV
Meidar, Moshe EnTechnon
Reitmeyer, Thorsten IBU
Fromm, Hansjörg KSRI
Blackburn, Robert IOR
Walter, Ulrich FBV
Spieckermann, Sven IFL


Adjunct professors

The entries are sorted by date of appointment, starting with the first appointment.

Name Institute
Seiler, Gerhard ECON
Karmann, Alexander  
Höpfinger, Eckhard  
Fuchs-Seliger, Susanne ECON
Kischka, Peter  
Laux, Hans  
Nakhaeizadeh, Gholamreza STAT
Funke-Lambertz, Helmut ECON
Heller, Wolf-Dieter STAT
Ehrhart, Karl-Martin ECON
Wietschel, Martin IIP
Karl, Ute IIP
Tangian, Andranik ECON
Walz, Rainer ECON
Shukla, Pradyumn Kumar AIFB
Jochem, Patrick IIP


Former Professors

Listed below are professors emeritus, retired and deceased.

Prof. Dr. Berninghaus
Prof. Dr. Georg Bol
Prof. Dr. Kuno Egle
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Eichhorn
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaul
Prof. Dr. Hermann Göppl (deceased)
Prof. Dr. Gerald Hammer
Prof. Dr. Peter Knauth
Prof. Dr. Jan Kowalski
Prof. Dr. Thomas Lützkendorf
Prof. Dr. Bruno Neibecker
Prof. Dr. Klaus Neumann
Prof. Dr. Otto Rentz
Prof. Dr. Werner Rothengatter
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmeck 
Prof. Dr. Detlef Seese
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Seiler
Prof. Dr. Alfons Steiner
Prof. Dr. Wolffried Stucky
Prof. Dr. Rudi Studer
Prof. Dr. Nora Szech (deceased)
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Waldmann
Prof. Dr. Ute Werner