Application and admission

Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management
Questions and answers about the Master's application and selection
Selection and assessment
In the statutes for the university's own admission and selection procedure for the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT. Here you can find the reading version:
Applicants are ranked according to points.
- The final grade of the qualifying Bachelor's degree program is assessed with a maximum of 60 points.
- The previous academic achievements in the fields of mathematics and/or statistics are added with a maximum of 30 points.
The total score is 90 points. If additional points have to be proven in other subject areas, these do not count towards the total number of points. These are necessary to fulfill the admission requirements.
Basic knowledge of mathematics and/or statistics, e.g. higher mathematics, linear algebra, statistics I. The Bachelor's module handbook for Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT provides an initial orientation:
The following are not recognized
- Achievements in which the basics are applied in practice
- Achievements in the field of Operations Research
- Seminar papers and theses
The selection committee will review all submitted documents after the application deadline. Please understand that due to the large number of degree programs and different achievements, an individual examination by the selection committee is necessary. It is therefore not possible to make a preliminary assessment. The selection committee meets after the application deadline and considers all reviewed documents submitted by January 15 (cut-off deadline for the summer semester) or July 15 (cut-off deadline for the winter semester).
Documents to be submitted
In the second sentence of Section 3 "Form of application" of the admission regulations for the Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management, you will find a clear overview of which documents are required:
This is regulated by the admission and matriculation regulations of KIT:
In §5 (3) and (4) of these regulations you will find information on which proof of language proficiency is accepted.
KIT students who require proof of English for their Master's application can, for example, take part in the free UNIcert course program during their Bachelor's degree and receive a certificate. Further information can be found here:
General information
and here:
The Master's degree program in Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT is characterized by a very flexible and individual curriculum design. You do not have to decide on a technical focus in advance and can choose your major according to your own interests and strengths.
Computer science training is an important element of the KIT degree program, which is why you will be ideally prepared for the digitalized professional world.
The KIT Faculty of Economics is one of the largest university training centers for industrial engineers in Germany and the degree program is anchored in its own faculty. As a result, the courses in economics and computer science are directly aligned with the prior knowledge and needs of industrial engineering.
According to the 2021 graduate survey, over 87% of graduates of the KIT Master's program are very satisfied to satisfied with the program. The majority of graduates appreciate the opportunities for specialization and the topicality of the course content in relation to practical requirements. According to the alumni, the most important skills acquired during the course include analytical skills, independent work, organizational skills and interdisciplinary thinking.
Graduates of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics mainly work in the following areas after graduation:
- Consulting/corporate/business consulting
- Purchasing/logistics and sales
- Research/development/science
- project management
- Software development/programming
You can get insights into the degree program and current information on our Instagram channel ∂kitwiwi as well as on the LinkedIn page of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and our website:
In principle, it is possible to apply for any undergraduate degree program at any type of university in Baden-Württemberg with certain professional qualifications. You can find important information here:
Student services for students :
Applicants from non-EU countries can find further helpful information here: International Students Office:
The Central Student Advisory Service at KIT regularly offers events on the topic "For the Master's at KIT?". In addition, counseling sessions can be arranged by telephone, in person or via Zoom:
You can also experience the green, central KIT campus live on Campus Day with many events: