Studies and Examination Regulations of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) for the Master’s Program of Digital Economics
(This English translation has no legally binding effect. It is provided for your information only.)
The text presented here, outlining the regulations for studies and examinations in the Master's program in Digital Economics (M.Sc.), is based on the valid version of the studies and examination regulations from May 4, 2023. No guarantee is provided for the accuracy of this unofficial reading version. In case of doubt, the only legally relevant text is the official printed announcement from May 4, 2023, in its current version in German language.
You can find the official announcements and the regulations for studies and examinations from May 4, 2023, in PDF format on the university administration's website.
Article 1 – Scope
Article 2 – Objective of Studies, Academic Degree
- During the consecutive master’s program, scientific qualifications acquired in the course of the bachelor’s program are further enhanced, expanded, extended, or complemented. Having completed the studies, the student is able to independently apply scientific findings and methods and to evaluate their significance for and applicability to solving complex scientific and social problems. This should also be expressed in the English language in a proficient way. The master’s program is bilingual. Teaching languages are English and German.
- Upon successful completion of the master’s assessment, the academic degree of “Master of Science” (abbreviated by “M.Sc.”) is conferred for the Master’s Program of Digital Economics.
Article 3 – Regular Period of Studies, Organization of Studies, Credits
- The regular period of studies is four semesters.
- The curriculum of the program is divided into subjects, the subjects into modules, and the modules are divided into courses. The subjects and their scopes are defined in Article 19. Details are outlined in the module handbook.
- The work expenditure envisaged for passing courses and modules is expressed in credits. The criteria for assigning credits correspond to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One credit corresponds to a work expenditure of about 30 hours. As a rule, the credits are distributed equally over the semesters.
- The coursework and examinations required for the successful completion of the studies are measured in credits and amount to a total of 120 credits.
- The courses are offered in the English or German language.
Article 4 – Module Assessments, Coursework and Examinations
- The master’s assessment consists of module assessments. Module assessments consist of one or several controls of success. Controls of success are either coursework or examinations.
- Types of examinations are:
- Written examinations,
- oral examinations, or
- examinations of another type.
- Coursework is written, oral, or practical work that is usually accomplished by students parallel to the courses. The master’s assessment must not be completed by a coursework.
- At least 70% of the module assessments are graded.
- In case of complementary contents, module assessments of several modules may be replaced by a module-overlapping examination (par. 2, nos. 1-3). The control of success of examinations of another type may consist of several components.
Article 5 – Registration for and Admission to Module Assessments and Courses
- To participate in module assessments, students must register online on the Students Portal for the corresponding controls of success. In exceptional cases, registration can be made in written form with the examination committee. For controls of success, registration deadlines may be specified by the examiners. Registration of the master’s thesis takes place on the Students Portal, details are outlined in the module handbook.
- In case of a broader choice, students, prior to the first assessment in this module, submit together with their registration for the assessment a binding declaration relating to their choice of the module and its assignment to a subject. At the request of the student, the choice or assignment to a subject can be changed later on in case of a passed assessment. The choice of controls of success within the modules remains unaffected.
- Admission to a control of success is granted to students who
- are enrolled in the Master’s Program of Digital Economics at KIT (the admission of students on leave is limited to examinations specified in Article 14, par. 7, cl. 1 of the Admission and Enrollment Regulations of KIT) and
- can prove that they meet the requirements for admission to a control of success outlined in the module handbook and
- can prove that their entitlement to an examination in the Master’s Program of Digital Economics has not been lost
- According to Article 30, par. 5, State Universities Act, admission to individual mandatory courses may be restricted. The examiner decides on the selection of students who have registered in due time before the deadline given by the examiner taking into account the study progress made by these students and taking into consideration Article 4, par. 1, clauses 1 and 2 of the Satzung über nachteilsausgleichende Regelungen in den Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) (statutes on the compensation of disadvantages in the bachelor’s and master’s programs of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), as amended, if the surplus of registrations cannot be reduced by other or additional courses. In the case of identical study progress, further criteria are specified by the KIT Departments. The result is announced to the students in due time.
- Admission is refused, if the conditions outlined in pars. 3 and 4 are not fulfilled. Admission may be refused, if the corresponding control of success was already passed in a KIT bachelor’s program that was required for admission to this Master’s Program. This does not apply to prior master’s examinations. Admission to these must be approved explicitly according to clause 1.
Article 6 – Execution of Controls of Success
- Controls of success are performed parallel to the studies, usually while imparting the contents of the individual modules or shortly afterwards.
- The type of control of success (Article 4, par. 2, nos. 1 - 3, par. 3) is specified by the examiner of the respective course depending on the contents of the course and teaching objectives of the module. The type of controls of success, their frequency, sequence, weighting, and the determination of the module grade, if applicable, must be announced in the module handbook six weeks prior to the start of the lecturing period at the latest. The examiner and student may agree on a change of the type of examination and the examination language later on. In the former case, Article 4, par. 4 must be observed. When organizing examinations, the needs of students in special life situations must be considered according to Article 4, par. 1 of the Satzung über nachteilsausgleichende Regelungen in den Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) (statutes on the compensation of disadvantages in the bachelor’s and master’s programs of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), as amended. Article 2 and Article 4, par. 1, cl. 3 of the above statutes, as amended, apply accordingly.
- In case of an unreasonably high time expenditure of an examination, a written examination may also be carried out orally or an oral examination may also be carried out in writing. This modification must be announced six weeks prior to the examination at the latest.
- In case of courses in the English language (Article 3, par. 5), the corresponding controls of success may be executed in this language. Article 6, par. 2 applies accordingly.
- Written examinations (Article 4, par. 2, no. 1) are usually evaluated by an examiner according to Article 17, par. 2 or par. 3. If an evaluation is made by several examiners, the grade is the arithmetic mean of the individual evaluations. If the arithmetic mean does not correspond to any of the grade levels defined in Article 7, par. 2, clause 2, the grade is rounded to the next higher or lower grade level. In case of equal distance to the next higher and lower levels, the grade is rounded to the next higher grade level. The evaluation procedure must not exceed six weeks. Written examinations last at least 60 and not more than 300 minutes.
Oral examinations (Article 4, par. 2, no. 2) are performed and evaluated as group examinations or as individual examinations by several examiners (examining board) or by one examiner in the presence of an associate. Prior to determining the grade, the examiner consults the other examiners of the examining board. Oral examinations usually last at least 15 minutes and not more than 60 minutes per student.
Major details and results of the oral examination are documented in the minutes. The result of the examination is announced to the student directly after the oral examination.
Students, who intend to take the same examination in a later semester, are admitted to oral examinations as an audience depending on the space available and upon approval of the examinee. They are not admitted to the consultation of the examining board and announcement of the examination results.
For examinations of another type (Article 4, par. 2, no. 3), appropriate deadlines and submission dates are specified. Proper description of the task and adequate documentation ensure that the completion of the task can be credited to the individual student. Major details and results of the control of success are recorded in the minutes.
During oral examinations of another type, an associate is present in addition to the examiner, who also signs the minutes together with the examiner.
Theses or papers to be written for an examination of another type must be provided with the following declaration: “Ich versichere wahrheitsgemäß, die Arbeit selbstständig angefertigt, alle benutzten Hilfsmittel vollständig und genau angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unverändert oder mit Abänderungen entnommen wurde.” (I herewith declare that the present thesis/paper is original work written by me alone and that I have indicated completely and precisely all aids used as well as all citations, whether changed or unchanged, of other theses and publications). An equivalent declaration in English must be provided in addition. If the thesis/paper does not contain this declaration, it will not be accepted. Major details and results of such a control of success are recorded in the minutes.
Article 7 – Evaluation of Coursework and Examinations
- The result of an examination is specified by the examiners in the form of a grade. If an examination of another type consists of several components (Article 4, par. 5, cl. 1), a grade is specified for the examination result in accordance with clause 1. Details are specified in the module handbook.
The following grades must be used:
sehr gut (very good) for an outstanding performance gut (good) for a performance that is far above the average befriedigend (satisfactory) for a performance meeting average requirements ausreichend (sufficient) for a performance that is still acceptable in spite of its deficiencies nicht ausreichend (failed) for a performance that is not acceptable due to major deficiencies. For a differentiated evaluation of individual examinations, the following grades must be used exclusively:
1.0, 1.3 “sehr gut” (very good) 1.7, 2.0, 2.3 “gut” (good) 2.7, 3.0, 3.3 “befriedigend” (satisfactory) 3.7, 4.0 “ausreichend” (sufficient) 5.0 “nicht ausreichend” (failed) -
Coursework is evaluated with “bestanden” (passed) or “nicht bestanden” (failed).
When determining the weighted average of module grades, subject grades, and the total grade, only the first decimal place is considered. All following decimal places are deleted without rounding.
Every module and control of success may only be credited once in the same study program.
An examination is passed, if the grade is at least “ausreichend” (4.0, sufficient). If an examination of another type consists of several components, the examination is passed, if the grade according to par. 1, cl. 2 is at least “ausreichend” (4.0, sufficient).
A module assessment is passed, if all required controls of success are passed. The module assessment and the determination of the module grade are specified in the module handbook. If the handbook does not contain any regulation about the determination of the module grade, the module grade is calculated from the grade average weighted according to the credits of the individual examinations. The differentiated grades (par. 2) are used for calculating the module grades.
The results of the controls of success as well as the credits acquired are administrated by the examination committee.
The grades of the modules of a subject are considered proportionally to the credits assigned to the modules when calculating the subject grade.
The total grade of the master’s assessment, the subject grades, and the module grades are:
Down to 1.5 “sehr gut” (very good) from 1.6 to 2.5 “gut” (good) from 2.6 to 3.5 “befriedigend” (satisfactory) from 3.6 to 4.0 “ausreichend” (sufficient)
Article 8 – Repetition of Examinations, Ultimate Failure
- Students may repeat only once a written examination that has not been passed (Article 4, par. 2, no. 1). In case a repeated written examination is given the grade of “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed), an oral re-examination takes place close to the date of the failed examination. In this case, the grade of this examination may only be “ausreichend” (4.0, sufficient) or “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed) and is given by the examiners or examiner taking into adequate consideration the written examination and the result of the oral re-examination. As a rule, oral re-examinations last at least 15 minutes and not more than 30 minutes. Article 6, par. 6, clauses 1 and 2 and clauses 4 and 5 apply accordingly. If a written re-examination is given the grade of “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed) according to Article 11, an oral re-examination is excluded.
- Students may repeat only once an oral examination that has not been passed (Article 4, par. 2, no. 2).
- Repeated examinations according to paragraphs 1 and 2 must correspond to the first examination in terms of contents, scope, and type (oral or written). At request, exceptions may be approved by the responsible examination committee.
- Examinations of another type (Article 4, par. 2, no. 3) can be repeated once.
- Coursework can be repeated several times.
- An examination is ultimately not passed, if an oral re-examination according to par. 1 was evaluated with the grade of “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed). The examination also is ultimately not passed, if the oral examination according to par. 2 or the examination of another type according to par. 4 was evaluated twice with the grade of “nicht bestanden” (failed).
- The module is ultimately not passed, if an examination required for passing the module is ultimately not passed.
A second repetition of the same examination according to Article 4, par. 2 is possible in exceptional cases and at the request of the student only (“Antrag auf Zweitwiederholung” – application for a second repetition). As a rule, the request must be submitted in writing to the examination committee within two months upon announcement of the grade.
The examination committee decides on the first application of a student for a second repetition. If the examination committee dismisses the application, a member of the Executive Board of KIT decides. Upon comment of the examination committee, a member of the Executive Board decides on further applications for a second repetition. If the application is accepted, the second repetition takes place on the next but one examination date at the latest. Paragraph 1, clauses 2 and 3 apply accordingly.
Repetition of a passed examination is not permitted.
In case a master’s thesis has been granted the grade “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed), it can be repeated once. A second repetition of the master’s thesis is excluded.
Article 9 – Loss of the Entitlement to an Examination
In case a coursework or an examination required according to the present Studies and Examination Regulations is ultimately not passed or the master’s assessment, including potential repetitions, is not passed completely by the end of the seventh semester, the entitlement to examination in the Master’s Program of Digital Economics will expire, unless the student is not responsible for having exceeded the deadline. The decision on extending the deadline and on exceptions from the deadline regulations is made by the examination committee taking into account the activities listed in Article 32, par. 6, State Universities Act, at the request of the student. This request must be made in writing usually six weeks prior to the expiry of the deadline.
Article 10 – Deregistration, Absence, Withdrawal
- Students can revoke their registration for written examinations until the distribution of the examination tasks without having to indicate any reasons (deregistration). Deregistration can be made online on the Students Portal by 12 pm on the day before the examination or in justified exceptional cases with the examination committee. If the deregistration is addressed to the examiner, the latter ensures that the deregistration is documented in the Campus Management System.
- In case of oral examinations, deregistration must be declared to the examiner at least three working days before the planned date of examination. Withdrawal from an oral examination less than three working days before the date of examination is possible under the conditions outlined in par. 5 only. In principle, withdrawal from oral re-examinations in the sense of Article 8, par. 1 is possible under the conditions of par. 5 only.
- Deregistration from examinations of another type and from coursework is subject to the provisions given in the module handbook.
- A control of success is deemed to have been “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed), if students fail to be present at the examination without a good reason or if they withdraw from the control of success after its start without a good reason and if the requirements outlined in par. 5 are not observed. The same applies, if the master’s thesis is not submitted within the period specified, unless the student is not responsible for having exceeded the deadline.
- The reason given for withdrawal after the start of the control of success or absence must be notified immediately, credibly, and in writing to the examination committee. In case of sickness of the student or of a child maintained by the student alone or of a relative in need of care, submission of a medical certificate may be required.
Article 11 – Deception, Breach of Regulations
- In case students try to influence the result of their control of success by deception or the use of impermissible aids, this control of success is deemed to have been “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed).
- Students disturbing the proper execution of the control of success may be excluded from the continuation of this control of success by the examiner or supervisor. In this case, the control of success is deemed to have been “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed). In serious cases, the examination committee can exclude these students from other controls of success.
- In case students try to influence the result of their control of success by threatening or exerting influence on the examiner, this control of success can be evaluated with “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed). In serious cases, the examination committee can exclude these students from other controls of success.
- Details relating to honesty during examinations and internships are outlined in the General Statutes of KIT, as amended.
Article 12 – Maternity Protection, Parental Leave, Assumption of Family Obligations
As regards the compensation of disadvantages of students in special life situations, the Satzung über nachteilsausgleichende Regelungen in den Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) (statutes on the compensation of disadvantages in the bachelor’s and master’s programs of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), as amended, apply.
Article 13 – Students with a Disability or Chronic Disease
As regards the compensation of disadvantages of students in special life situations, the Satzung über nachteilsausgleichende Regelungen in den Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) (statutes on the compensation of disadvantages in the bachelor’s and master’s programs of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), as amended, apply.
Article 14 – Master’s Thesis Module
- For admission to the master’s thesis module, students must have reached at least 60 credits in module assessments. At the request of the student, the examination committee decides on exceptions.
- The master’s thesis can be assigned by university professors of KIT and habilitated members of the KIT Department of Economics and Management. In addition, the examination committee can authorize other examiners to assign the subject according to Article 17, pars. 2 and 3. The students must be given the opportunity to make proposals regarding the subject of their thesis. If the master’s thesis is to be written outside of the KIT Department of Economics and Management, the approval of the examination committee is required. The master’s thesis may also be accepted in the form of group work, if the contributions of the individual students can be distinguished clearly based on objective criteria and if the requirement outlined in par. 4 is fulfilled. In exceptional cases, the chairperson of the examination committee takes care of the student receiving a subject for the master’s thesis within four weeks upon her/his request. In this case, the subject is issued by the chairperson of the examination committee.
- The subject, task, and scope of the master’s thesis are limited by the supervisor such that the thesis can be handled with the expenditure outlined in par. 4.
- The master’s thesis demonstrates that the students are able to deal with a problem of their subject area in an independent manner and within a limited period of time using scientific methods. The workload of the master’s thesis corresponds to 30 credits. The maximum duration of work on the thesis is six months. The subject and task must be adapted to the scope envisaged. The master’s thesis may be written in English or German. This decision is made by the examiner when issuing the subject.
- When submitting the master’s thesis, the students assure in writing that the thesis is original work by them alone and that they have used no sources and aids other than indicated, marked all citations in word and content, and observed the Statutes of KIT for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, as amended. If this declaration is not contained, the thesis will not be accepted. The wording of the declaration may be: “Ich versichere wahrheitsgemäß, die Arbeit selbstständig verfasst, alle benutzten Quellen und Hilfsmittel vollständig und genau angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unverändert oder mit Abänderungen entnommen wurde sowie die Satzung des KIT zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis in der jeweils gültigen Fassung beachtet zu haben.” (I herewith declare that the present thesis is original work written by me alone and that I have indicated completely and precisely all sources and aids used as well as all citations, whether changed or unchanged, of other theses and publications, and that I have observed the Statutes of KIT for Safeguarding Good Research Practice, as amended). An equivalent declaration in English must be provided in addition. If the declaration is found to be not true, the master’s thesis will be evaluated “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed).
- The date of assignment of the subject of the master’s thesis is recorded by the supervisor and the student/s and documented with the examination committee. The date of submission of the master’s thesis is recorded with the examination committee by the examiner. The student is allowed to reject the subject of the master’s thesis only once and only within the first month of the period of work on the thesis. At the justified request of the student, the examination committee may extend the time of work on the thesis given in par. 4 by three months at the maximum. If the master’s thesis is not submitted in time, it is deemed to have been “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed), unless the student is not responsible for this failure.
- The master’s thesis is evaluated by at least one university professor or a habilitated member of the KIT Department of Economics and Management and by at least one other examiner. As a rule, one of the examiners is the person who assigned the thesis according to par. 2. In case of deviating evaluations of both persons, the examination committee fixes the grade of the master’s thesis within the limits of the evaluations of both persons. It may also appoint another expert. The evaluation period must not exceed eight weeks upon submission of the master’s thesis.
Article 15 – Additional Achievements
- Further credits (additional achievements) in the amount of 30 credits at the maximum may be acquired in the courses offered by KIT. Articles 3 and 4 of these Studies and Examination Regulations remain unaffected. These additional achievements are not considered when calculating the total and module grades. The credits not considered when determining the module grade will be listed and marked as additional achievements in the transcript of records. At the student’s request, additional achievements are indicated in the master’s certificate and marked as additional achievements. Additional achievements are listed with the grades outlined in Article 7.
- The students declare a module assessment to be an additional achievement when registrating for this assessment already.
Article 16 – Examination Committee
- For the Master’s Program of Digital Economics, an examination committee is formed. It consists of 5 members entitled to vote: 4 university professors of KIT/Privatdozentinnen or Privatdozenten and one academic staff member as well as one student with an advisory vote. In case of the establishment of a joint examination committee for the Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs of Digital Economics, the number of students is increased to two members with an advisory vote, with one of them coming from the bachelor’s program and one from the master’s program as a rule. The term of office of the non-student members is two years, the term of office of the student member is one year.
- The chairperson, her/his deputy, the other members of the examination committee, and their deputies are appointed by the KIT Department Council. The members of the group of academic staff and the students are proposed by the members of the respective groups. Reappointment is possible. The chairperson and her/his deputy must be university professors of KIT. The chairperson of the examination committee is responsible for ongoing activities and supported by the respective examination office.
- The examination committee takes care that the provisions of the present Studies and Examination Regulations are being observed and decides on examination matters. It decides on the recognition of study periods, coursework, and examinations according to Article 18, par. 1, cl. 1. It regularly reports to the KIT Department about the development of examination and study periods as well as about the times of work on the master’s theses and the distribution of module and total grades. It makes suggestions for reforms of the Studies and Examination Regulations and of module descriptions. The examination committee decides with the majority of its votes. In the case of a split vote, the chairperson of the examination committee decides.
- The examination committee may delegate the execution of its tasks for all standard cases to its chairperson. In urgent cases that cannot be postponed until the next meeting of the examination committee, the chairperson of the examination committee decides.
- The members of the examination committee have the right to participate in examinations. The members of the examination committee, the examiners, and the associates are obliged to secrecy. If they do not work in the public service sector, they are obliged to secrecy by the chairperson.
- In matters of the examination committee, which are related to an examination to be passed at another KIT Department, a competent person authorized to examine and to be appointed by the respective KIT Department must be consulted at the request of a member of the examination committee.
- The student is informed in writing about incriminating decisions by the examination committee. These decisions must be justified and provided with an information on legal remedies available. Prior to a decision, the student must be given the opportunity to comment. Objections against decisions made by the examination committee must be made to the examination committee within one month upon receipt of the decision. In case of objections, the executive board member responsible for higher education decides.
Article 17 – Examiners and Associates
- The examination committee appoints the examiners. It may transfer this task to its chairperson.
- Examiners are university professors of KIT, habilitated members, and academic staff members of KIT from the respective KIT Department, who have been authorized to examine students according to Article 14, par. 2 and Article 14b, par. 1, No. 1, KIT Act in conjunction with Article 52, cl. 6, part 2, State Universities Act. For appointment as examiner, persons must have the scientific qualification corresponding to the examination subject at least.
- If courses are held by persons other than those mentioned in par. 2, these should be appointed examiners, if they have the scientific qualification required in par. 2, cl. 2.
- Associates are appointed by the examiners. Only persons having at least the scientific qualification corresponding to the examination subject may be appointed associates.
Article 18 – Recognition of Coursework and Examinations as well as of Study Periods
- Coursework and examinations made as well as study periods passed in study programs at state or state-recognized universities and cooperative state universities of the Federal Republic of Germany or at foreign state or state-recognized universities are recognized at the request of the students, if the competences acquired do not differ considerably from the achievements or degrees to be replaced. For this, no schematic comparison, but an overall analysis is made. As regards the scope of a coursework or examination to be recognized (credited), the principles of the ECTS are applied.
- The students submit the documents required for recognition. Students newly enrolled in the Master’s Program of Digital Economics submit the application together with the documents required for recognition within the first semester upon enrollment. If documents are not available in the German or English language, an officially certified translation may be requested. The examination committee bears the burden of proving that the application does not meet the recognition requirements.
- If achievements not made at KIT are recognized, they are listed as “anerkannt” (recognized) in the certificate. If grades of comparable grade scales exist, they are taken over and included in the calculation of module grades and the total grade. In case of incomparable grade systems, the grades can be converted. In the absence of grades, the note “bestanden” (passed) is entered.
- When recognizing coursework and examinations passed outside of the Federal Republic of Germany, the equivalence agreements adopted by the Conference of Ministers of Education and the German Rectors’ Conference as well as agreements concluded within the framework of university partnerships must be considered.
- Knowledge and skills acquired outside of the university system are recognized, if they are equivalent to the coursework and examinations to be replaced in terms of contents and level and if the institution, where the knowledge and skills were acquired, has a standardized quality assurance system. Recognition may be refused in parts, if more than 50% of the university’s study program are to be replaced.
- The examination committee is responsible for recognitions. To determine whether a considerable difference in the sense of par. 1 exists, the responsible subject representatives must be heard. Depending on the type and scope of coursework and examinations to be recognized, the examination committee decides on admission to a higher semester.
Article 19 – Scope and Type of the Master’s Assessment
- The master’s assessment consists of the module assessments according to par. 2 and the master’s thesis module (Article 14).
Module assessments must be passed in the following mandatory subjects:
- Economics: Module(s) in the amount of 27 credits
- Methods: Module(s) in the amount of 27 credits
- Society: Module(s) in the amount of 9 credits
- Electives: Module(s) in the amount of 27 credits
The modules available for selection and their allocation to subjects are specified in the module handbook.
Article 20 – Passing of the Master’s Assessment, Calculation of the Total Grade
- The master’s assessment is passed, if all module assessments mentioned in Article 19 and the master’s thesis module were passed.
- The total grade of the master’s assessment is the average of the subject grades and the master’s thesis grade, weighted with the credits.
- In case the students have completed the master’s thesis with the grade 1.0 and the master’s assessment with an average of 1.1 or better, the rating “mit Auszeichnung” (with distinction) is granted.
Article 21 – Master’s Transcript, Master’s Certificate, Diploma Supplement, and Transcript of Records
- Upon evaluation of the last examination, a master’s certificate and a transcript must be issued about the master’s assessment not later than three months upon the last examination. The master’s certificate and transcript are issued in the German and English languages. The master’s certificate and transcript bear the date of the successful passing of the last examination. They are handed over to the students together. The master’s certificate documents the conferral of the academic master’s degree. The master’s certificate is signed by the President and the KIT Dean of the KIT Department and bears the seal of KIT.
- The transcript lists the subject and module grades, the credits assigned to the modules and subjects, and the total grade. If a differentiated evaluation of individual examinations was made according to Article 7, par. 2, cl. 2, the respective decimal grade is indicated in the transcript. Article 7, par. 4 remains unaffected. The transcript is signed by the KIT Dean of the KIT Department and the chairperson of the examination committee.
- In addition, the students are given a diploma supplement in the German and English languages, which corresponds to the requirements of the applicable ECTS Users’ Guide, as well as a transcript of records in German and English.
- The transcript of records lists in a structured form all coursework and examinations passed by the student. It includes all subjects and subject grades as well as the assigned credits, the modules assigned to the respective subject with the module grades and the credits assigned, as well as the controls of success assigned to the modules together with the grades and the credits. Paragraph 2, cl. 2 applies accordingly. The transcript of records clearly reflects the assignment of controls of success to the individual modules. Recognized coursework and examinations are included in the transcript of records. All additional achievements are listed in the transcript of records.
- The master’s certificate, master’s transcript, and the diploma supplement, including the transcript of records, are issued by the Students Office of KIT.
Article 22 – Certificate of Examination Achievements
In case students have ultimately failed in the master’s assessment, they must be given at request and against submission of the exmatriculation certificate a written certificate about the coursework and examinations made and the respective grades, which reveals that the overall examination has not been passed. The same applies when the entitlement to an examination has expired.
Article 23 – Deprivation of the Master’s Degree
- If students have been guilty of deception during an examination and if this fact becomes known after the hand-over of the certificates, the grades of the module examinations, during which the students were guilty of deception, can be corrected. If applicable, this module assessment may be declared to have been “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed) and the master’s assessment may be declared to have been “nicht bestanden” (failed).
- If the conditions for admission to an examination were not fulfilled without the student wanting to deceive and if this fact becomes known after the hand-over of the certificate, this default is remedied by the passing of the examination. If the student intentionally and wrongly obtained admission to the examination, the module assessment may be declared to have been “nicht ausreichend” (5.0, failed) and the master’s assessment may be declared to have been “nicht bestanden” (failed).
- Prior to a decision of the examination committee, the student is given the opportunity to comment.
- The incorrect certificate is confiscated and, if applicable, a new certificate is issued. Together with the incorrect certificate, the master’s certificate is also confiscated, if the master’s assessment was declared to have been “nicht bestanden” (failed) due to a deception.
- A decision pursuant to par. 1 and par. 2, cl. 2 is excluded after a period of five years upon the date of issue of the certificate.
- Deprivation of the academic degree is subject to Article 36, par. 7, State Universities Act.
Article 24 – Inspection of Examination Files
- Upon completion of the master’s assessment, the students are granted the right to inspect the examination copy of their master’s theses, the related opinions, and minutes of the examinations within one year at request.
- For inspection of the written module examinations, written module part examinations, and examination minutes, a deadline of one month after announcement of the examination result applies.
- The examiner determines the place and time of inspection.
- Examination documents must be kept for at least five years.