Announcement date: 16.10.2024
Diese Seite auf DEStudy Program | All Wiwi Master programs |
Subject/Module/LV | M-WIWI-106804 - Advanced Topics in AI: Graph Neural Networks and Language Models, M-WIWI-105366 - Artificial Intelligence M-WIWI-101456 - Intelligente Systeme und Services M-WIWI-101628 - Vertiefung Informatik M-WIWI-101630 - Wahlpflicht Informatik M-WIWI-101472 – Informatik |
T-WIWI-102666 – Knowledge Discovery: Änderung der Erfolgskontrolle zum WS24/25
The overall grade will be determined using assignments during the semester (40% of the grade) and a final exam (60% of the grade).