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Real World Lab: Innovation Communication [SS202571184]

block (B)
SS 2020



  • Marketing & Sales

Part of


In this interactive course, students work in groups to develop and test a suitable communication measure to accompany the market launch of an innovative product by a start-up from Karlsruhe. For this purpose, the course is divided into four phases. (1) First, students work in groups to develop different scientific fundamentals (e.g. company goals, product/market characteristics, target groups, communication of innovations) and share these findings with other groups in the form of a team presentation. (2) Then each group independently develops its own online communication measure, which can be realized with a given budget and makes use of the knowledge gained from (1). (3) The groups implement this measure in the field, evaluate its effectiveness according to given criteria (KPIs) and adapt it if necessary. (4) Finally, the design and success of the measure are critically reflected and discussed and shared with the other groups in the form of a final presentation.
Information about the start-up: It is a medical device for the treatment of insect bites (+ corresponding app) with the smartphone. Launch of the product is spring 2020. Further information at heatit.de

Learning objectives

- have the ability to make strategic marketing decisions independently in groups
- can apply basic marketing strategy concepts (e.g. market segmentation, product launch, coordination of the marketing mix, market research, channel selection or competitive behaviour) to a practical context
- can collect, analyze and meaningfully prepare information and KPIs for decision-making
- can react to given market conditions in a coordinated manner
- are able to present their strategy in a clear and coherent manner
- are able to talk about success, problems, important events, external influences and strategy changes during the practical test and present their learning effects in a reflected manner

Total effort

with 1.5 credit points: approx. 45 hours

Presence time

9 hours (3 compulsory dates: kick-off, 1st presentation, final presentation)
Preparation and follow-up of the course: 28.5 hours
Exam and exam preparation: 7.5 hours


The control of success is carried out in the form of an examination performance of another kind according to § 4 paragraph 2 no. 3 SPO (two team presentations)


An application is required for participation in this course. The application phase usually takes place at the beginning of the lecture period in the summer semester. This course is restricted. The research group Marketing and Sales typically allows all students to attend a course at 1.5 credit points in the corresponding module. A guarantee for the attendance of a specific course can not be given, though. Further information can be obtained directly from the research group Marketing and Sales
[marketing.iism.kit.edu]. Please note that only one of the 1.5-ECTS events can be credited for the module.