Professional internship in the elective area of Business Mathematics M.Sc. (according to SPO 2009)

In the elective area, the professional internship can be chosen as an alternative. 8 LP/ECTS are awarded for this. (In this case, 4 further CP must be proven via key qualifications).

Professional orientation and skills through early contact with companies
Internships offer the opportunity to apply the skills acquired during your studies under realistic conditions and to further develop subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills in a professional environment.
The work placement must be completed full-time for at least 6 weeks. It should provide the student with an insight into practical professional activities from a mathematical and economic perspective, which are derived from the qualifications acquired in the degree program.
Useful tips on internships for students

Internship guidelines for students on the Master's degree program in Business Mathematics (SPO 2009)


Link to the internship guidelines


§ 17 para. 4 of the study and examination regulations M.Sc. WiMa 2009

Duration At least 6 weeks of study-related internship
  • Before or during the degree program
  • Proof at the latest on admission to the last examination (usually Master's thesis)
  • Free choice of company
  • Free choice of fields of activity and areas of work (taking into account the study reference)
General conditions
  • Internships must be completed full-time without exception (at least 35 hours/week)
  • The internship can be divided into sections (min. 3 weeks) and in different companies;
  • Vacation days cannot be counted towards the required internship time. They will be deducted from the proven internship time;
  • Days absent for health reasons will not be deducted up to a maximum total of 3 days, provided that this would result in the minimum time for the mandatory internship not being reached.
  • Public holidays that fall within the internship period will not be deducted.
Registration, performance review and crediting

The internship must be registered at the Examinations Office of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, stating the internship location and the examiner. (Detailed information on the procedure)

After completion of the internship, a reference from the internship position and a short report on the internship (not handwritten!) must be submitted to the institute that carries out the performance review. If the performance review is successful, the certificate of achievement will be issued by the institute and forwarded to the Office of Student Affairs via the Examinations Office of the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

  • Recognizable as equivalent to company internships (if the content is equivalent): study-related vocational training, company internship as part of another degree program
Detailed information on the recognition of the internship