Student Offerings
Students of the KIT Department of Economics and Management have a variety of opportunities to get in touch with partner companies, e.g. at expert lectures, networking events, or excursions. On our social media channels Instagram and LinkedIn as well as on this website, we regularly inform you about upcoming events. You can get an insight into the day-to-day work as an IT specialist or industrial engineer in the "One Day at Work" videos of our partner companies on YouTube.
In addition, you will find more details about the partners in the Dialogue Platform - the meeting place for students and companies of the KIT Department of Economics and Management partner network. Join the dialog platform in MS Teams, find out about job postings as well as events and get in touch with the companies directly.
Event Calendar
WiWi-Partner Exhibition
Meet employees from companies in the partner network at the Wiwi partner exhibition on Thursday, February 6 and get information on starting a career as well as the opportunity to make exciting contacts. Each company will be represented with an exhibition stand and information material.
The event will take place in the Tulla Foyer (Building 11.40) on the KIT South Campus.
Please register using the registration form.
All students of the KIT Department of Economics and Management are cordially invited to participate.
We are looking forward to your registration!
The event is part of the partner network of the KIT Department of Economics and Management.
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Kaiserstraße 89
76133 Karlsruhe
Mail: melanie ungemach ∂ kit edu
alumni, Foreign Students, Research and Partners, Employees, Professors, Students, Scientific Staff, Young Scientists