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Critical Digital Infrastructures [M-WIWI-104403]

Jedes Semester
2 Semester



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Identifier Name LP
T-WIWI-109249 Sociotechnical Information Systems Development 4.5
T-WIWI-113026 Trustworthy Emerging Technologies 4.5
T-WIWI-109246 Digital Health 4.5
T-WIWI-109248 Critical Information Infrastructures 4.5
T-WIWI-110143 Emerging Trends in Internet Technologies 4.5
T-WIWI-111126 Advanced Lab Blockchain Hackathon (Master) 4.5
T-WIWI-110144 Emerging Trends in Digital Health 4.5
T-WIWI-109251 Selected Issues in Critical Information Infrastructures 4.5
T-WIWI-112690 Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles 4.5

Competence Certificate

The assessment is carried out as partial exams according to § 4 paragraph 2 Nr. 1 – Nr. 3 SPO of the examination regulation of the core course and further single courses of this module, whose sum of credits must meet 9 credits.
The learning control is described in each course. The overall score of the module is made up of the sub-scores weighted with creditpoints and is cut off after the first comma point.

Competence Goal

The students ...

  • have foundational knowledge about the design and operation of critical digital infrastructures
  • have in-depth methodological knowledge in design science research and related scientific domains
  • can distinguish between the challenges and opportunities of critical digital infrastructures in different domains
  • can evaluate and improve sociotechnical systems
  • combine theoretical and practical contents of the courses in the module to solve existing problems in the domain of critical digital infrastructures




Critical digital infrastructures are sociotechnical systems comprising essential software components and information systems with pivotal impact on individuals, organizations, governments, economies, and society. Critical information infrastructures require careful design, development, and evaluation to ensure reliable, secure, and purposeful operation. This module features a strong focus on different subject areas, including, but not limited to, internet technologies, health care, and information privacy. The lectures in the module introduce students to a domain relevant to critical digital infrastructures and the labs allow to gain hands-on experience in this interesting domain.


The courses in the module may be held in English. Participants should be well versed in written and spoken English.
The courses can be visited independently. Participants can start the module in the winter as well as in the summer term.
Programming skills may be required in some courses.
Experience in writing scientific papers is helpful but not required.


30 hours per ECTS
Total workload for 9 ECTS: approx. 270 hours
The exact allocation is made according to the credit points of the courses.