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Social Science A (WiWi) [T-GEISTSOZ-109048]

Examination of another type
Each winter term



  • KIT-Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

Part of


Course Number Name SWS Type
WS20 5011011Economic inequality 2 seminar (S)
SS22 5011013Pandemic and Infodemic 2 seminar (S)
SS20 5011019Sociology of Organizations 2 seminar (S)
SS21 5011019The emergence of social differentiation, status hierarchies, and group conflicts 2 seminar (S)
SS20 5011003Social Change and Social Policy 2 seminar (S)
SS21 5011008Decomposition and Regression Analysis 2 seminar (S)
SS22 5011019An introduction to "botany". What is known about the effects of social bots on political opinions? 2 seminar (S)
WS21 5011011Political Debates and Polarization in the German Parliament II 2 seminar (S)
WS19 5011011Economic inequality 2 seminar (S)
SS22 5011003"Just do as you are told!" How to achieve behavior change? 2 seminar (S)
WS23 5011011Artificial intelligence in the research process 2 seminar (S)
WS22 5011011Patterns of ideological polarization in opinion surveys 2 seminar (S)
SS24 5011013When and why does polarization of opinion arise? 2 seminar (S)
SS23 5011019How to control algorithms? 2 seminar (S)
SS24 5011019The future of democracy 2 seminar (S)
SS23 5011013Digital democracy: worries, opportunities, and challenges 2 seminar (S)
WS19 5011014Sociology of Technology seminar (S)
WS20 5011014Sociology of Technology seminar (S)
SS21 5011003Theories of social Norms 2 seminar (S)
SS22 5011008Decomposition and Regression Analysis 2 seminar (S)
SS20 5011008Sociology of Organizations 2 seminar (S)
WS21 5011014Sociology of Technology seminar (S)
WS22 5011014Sociology of Technology seminar (S)
SS20 5011013Economic Inequality 2 seminar (S)
WS23 5011014Advanced module:Technology and Future: Theories of prospective knowledge seminar (S)
SS21 5011013When and why do opinions polarize? 2 seminar (S)
SS24 5000048Socio-scientific Theories of Technology Assessment 2 undergraduate seminar (PS)
SS23 5011003Ego-centered networks 2 block (B)


Course Number Name Appointments
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A
SS23 5011003 Social Science A
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A
SS23 5011003 Social Science A
SS23 5011003 Social Science A
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)
SS23 5011003 Social Science A (WiWi)