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Integrated Production Planning in the Age of Industry 4.0 [SS242150660]

lecture/exercise (VÜ)
SS 2024



  • KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau

Part of


Skript zur Veranstaltung wird über (https://ilias.studium.kit.edu/) bereitgestellt.

Lecture notes will be provided in Ilias (https://ilias.studium.kit.edu/).


  • 16.04.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 18.04.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 23.04.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 25.04.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 30.04.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 02.05.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 07.05.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 14.05.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 16.05.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 28.05.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 04.06.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 06.06.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 11.06.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 13.06.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 18.06.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 20.06.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 25.06.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 27.06.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 02.07.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 04.07.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 09.07.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 11.07.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 16.07.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 18.07.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 23.07.2024 14:00 - 15:30 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)
  • 25.07.2024 14:00 - 17:15 - Room: 50.35 Hörsaal am Fasanengarten (HS a.F.)


Integrated Production Planning in the age of Industry 4.0 will be taught in the context of this engineering science lecture. In addition to a comprehensive introduction to Industry 4.0, the following topics will be addressed at the beginning of the lecture:

  • Basics, history and temporal development of production
  • Integrated production planning and integrated digital engineering
  • Principles of integrated production systems and further development with Industry 4.0

Building on this, the phases of integrated production planning are taught in accordance with VDI Guideline 5200, whereby special features of parts production and assembly are dealt with in the context of case studies:

  • Factory planning system
  • Definition of objectives
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Concept planning (structural development, structural dimensioning and rough layout)
  • Detailed planning (PPS, process simulation as a validation tool, planning of conveyor technology and storage systems for linking production and IT systems in the I4.0 factory )
  • Preparation and monitoring of implementation
  • Start-up and series support

The lecture contents are complemented by numerous current practical examples with a strong Industry 4.0 reference. Aspects of sustainability are anchored in all units and thus basic knowledge of sustainable production planning is taught. Within the exercises the lecture contents are deepened and applied to specific problems and tasks.

Learning Outcomes:

The students …

  • can discuss basic questions of production technology.
  • are able to apply the methods of integrated production planning to new problems.
  • are able to analyze and evaluate the suitability of the methods, procedures and techniques for a specific problem.
  • can apply the learned methods of integrated production planning to new problems.
  • can use their knowledge targeted for efficient production technology.
  • know the basic features of sustainable production planning and can apply underlying knowledge.


regular attendance: 63 hours
self-study: 177 hours
regular attendance: 63 hours
self-study: 207 hours