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Seminar in Economics B (Master) [T-WIWI-103477]

Examination of another type
Each term



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Course Number Name SWS Type
SS21 2500004Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2561208Selected aspects of European transport planning and -modelling 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2560557Designing the Digital Economy, Topics on Political Economy (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2560282Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2520405Topics in Experimental Economics seminar (S)
SS23 2560552Shaping AI and Digitization for Society (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2560282Seminar in economic policy 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2560555Bounded Rationality - Theory and Experiments (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2560142Topics in Political Economy (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2560142Moral Wiggle Room and Info Avoidance - Topics in Political Economy (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2520405Topics in Experimental Economics seminar (S)
SS23 2560560Co-Opetiton: A practical perspective to game theory in the game of business (Bachelor & Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2560141Morals & Social Behavior (Bachelor & Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2520536Seminar in Economic Theory II 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2560555Bounded Rationality - Theory and Experiments, Seminar on Topics in Political Economy (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2560556Social Preferences in Behavioral Economics /„Seminar on Topics in Political Economy“ seminar (S)
WS19 2560142Topics in Political Economy (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2521310Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2560140Topics in Political Economy (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2561208Selected aspects of European transport planning and -modelling 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2560555Fighting Climate Change, Seminar on Morals and Social Behavior (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2560282Seminar in economic policy 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2560282Seminar in economic policy 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2560282Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2560552Shaping AI and Digitization for Society - Seminar Morals and Social Behavior (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2560552Seminar Shaping AI and Digitization for Society (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2560401Seminar in Macroeconomics II 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2560282Seminar in Economic Policy 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2500004Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2560143Morals & Social Behavior (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2560554Fighting Climate Change, Seminar on Morals and Social Behavior (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2500052Seminar on Topics in Digital Economics 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2520367Strategische Entscheidungen 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2520536Seminar in Economic Theory II 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2561208Selected aspects of European transport planning and -modelling 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2560557Law and Economics (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2560400Seminar in Macroeconomics I 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2500013Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Machine Learning seminar (S)
WS22 2560400Seminar in Macroeconomics I 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2560556Designing the Digital Economy, Topics on Political Economy (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2560233Seminar zur Luftverkehrspoltik seminar (S)
WS20 2561281Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2560552Overcoming the Corona Crisis, Seminar Morals and Social Behavior (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2520563Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar III 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2560259 Organisation and Management of Development Projects 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2520367Strategische Entscheidungen seminar (S)
WS21 2560282Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2521310Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2521310Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2560142Lying and Cheating in Economic Experiments (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2560259 Organisation and Management of Development Projects 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2560259 Organisation and Management of Development Projects 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2561208Selected aspects of European transport planning and -modelling 1 seminar (S)
WS23 2560400Seminar in Macroeconomics I 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2500051The Challenges of the Mobility Transition in Urban Areas - Which Contributions Can Be Expected from the Serious Game "MobileCityGame"? 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2500024Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar IV (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2560130Seminar Public Finance 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2520563Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar III 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2561208Selected aspects of European transport planning and -modelling (WS 18/19) 1 seminar (S)
SS23 2560282Seminar in economic policy 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2520367Strategische Entscheidungen 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2500004Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2520500Workshop on Economics, Finance and Statistics 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2560259 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2520367Strategische Entscheidungen 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2560401Seminar in Macroeconomics II 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2560140Topics in Political Economy (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2520563Wirtschaftstheoretisches Seminar III (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2560142Disruption and the Digital Economy - Topics in Political Economy (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2560555Markets for Attention and the Digital Economy Seminar on Topics in Political Economy (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2560130Seminar Public Finance 2 block (B)


Course Number Name Appointments
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics A (Master) Digital Markets
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics (Bachelor)
SS24 2560130 Seminar: Market Design
SS24 2560130 Bounded Rationality - Theory and Experiments (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economic Policy
SS24 2560130 Digitalization, AI, and the Future Economy
SS24 2560130 Seminar: Capital in the Twenty-First Century
SS24 2560130 Social Preferences in Behavioral Economics
SS24 2560130
SS24 2560130 Seminar Disruption and the Digital Economy (Bachelor & Master)
SS24 2560130 Data-driven innovation and science communication (Master)
SS24 2560130 Topics in Econometrics. Seminar in Economics
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics I
SS24 2560130 Seminar Strategic Decisions B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Topics in Experimental Economics
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics (Master): Nudging
SS24 2560130 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
SS24 2560130
SS24 2560130 Seminar on Morals and Social Behavior (M.Sc.)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics I
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics (Bachelor)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Strategic Decisons (Master B)
SS24 2560130 Shaping AI and Digitization (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Strategic Decisions
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics I
SS24 2560130 Topics in Experimental Economics
SS24 2560130 Seminar Overcoming the Corona Crisis (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics II
SS24 2560130 Co-Opetition (Bachelor & Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics II
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics (Master): Distributive Justice
SS24 2560130 The Synthetic Control Method in Macroeconomics
SS24 2560130 Shaping AI and Digitization for Society (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Shaping AI and Digitization (Master)
SS24 2560130
SS24 2560130 Overcoming the Corona Crisis (Master)
SS24 2560130 Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics B (Master), Seminar in Economics A (Bachelor)
SS24 2560130 Topics in Econometrics. Seminar in Economics (Bachelor)
SS24 2560130 Markets for Attention and the Digital Economy (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics B (Master), Seminar in Economics A (Bachelor)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Empirical Development Economics B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar: Do Groups Make Better Decisions? The "Wisdom of the Crowd" in Theory and Practice
SS24 2560130 Do Groups Make Better Decisions? The "Wisdom of the Crowd" in Theory and Practice
SS24 2560130 Topics in Econometrics. Seminar in Economics (Bachelor)
SS24 2560130 Seminar on Morals and Social Behavior
SS24 2560130 Risk Preferences: Theory and Empirical Evidence (Seminar)
SS24 2560130 Topics in Experimental Economics
SS24 2560130 How (not) to vote - Advantages and pitfalls of common voting methods
SS24 2560130 Seminar Public Finance B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economic Policy
SS24 2560130 Seminar Moral Wiggle Room and Info Avoidance (Master)
SS24 2560130 Economic Choices Over the Life Cycle
SS24 2560130 Seminar Public Finance B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Lying and Cheating in Economic Experiments (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Public Finance B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Shaping AI and Digitization for Society (Master)
SS24 2560130 Strategic Decisions (Master)
SS24 2560130 Topics in Experimental Economics
SS24 2560130 Organization and management of development projects
SS24 2560130 Seminar Debt, Money and Markets: Economic Narrative and Anthropological Evidence
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economic Policy
SS24 2560130 Seminar Disruption and Digital Economy (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economic Policy
SS24 2560130 Seminar Topics in Applied Microeconomics
SS24 2560130 Law and Economics (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar on Topics in Digital Economics
SS24 2560130 What's up Inflation? Recent Advances in Theory and Empirics
SS24 2560130 Seminar: Debt The First 5000 Years (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economic Policy
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics II
SS24 2560130 Seminar Death, Mistake & Fraud in Science B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Selected Aspects of European Transport Planning and Modelling
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics I
SS24 2560130 Digital IT-Solutions and Services Transforming the Field of Public Transportation
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economic Policy
SS24 2560130 Bounded Rationality - Theory and Experiments (Master)
SS24 2560130 The Macroeconomics of Sanctions
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Data Mining. Seminar in Economics B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics (Bachelor/Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar AI and Digitization for Society (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics A (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Unified Welfare Analysis of Public Policies B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Data Mining. Seminar in Economics B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Demographic Change and Pension Reforms
SS24 2560130 Topics in Experimental Economics
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics (Bachelor)
SS24 2560130 Seminar Disruption in the Digital Economy (Master)
SS24 2560130 Selected Aspects of European Transport Planning and Modelling
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Macroeconomics
SS24 2560130 Predictive Data Analytics
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics A (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics A (Master)
SS24 2560130 Seminar in Economics B (Master)
SS24 2560130 Topics in Experimental Economics
SS24 2560130 Seminar Unified Welfare Analysis of Public Policies B (Master)

Competence Certificate

Alternative exam assessment (§ 4(2), 3 SPO 2015). The following aspects are included:

  • Regular participation in the seminar dates
  • Preparation of a seminar paper on a partial aspect of the seminar topic according to scientific methods
  • Lecture on the topic of the seminar paper.

The point scheme for the assessment is determined by the lecturer of the respective course. It will be announced at the beginning of the course.




See seminar description in the course catalogue of the KIT (https://campus.kit.edu/)


The listed seminar titles are placeholders. Currently offered seminars of each semester will be published on the websites of the institutes and in the course catalogue of the KIT. In general, the current seminar topics of each semester are already announced at the end of the previous semester. Furthermore for some seminars there is an application required.

The available places are listed on the internet: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu.