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Digital Services: Innovation & Business Models [SS232595468]

lecture (V)
Präsenz/Online gemischt
SS 2023



  • Karlsruhe Service Research Institute

Part of


  • Böhmann, T./ Leimeister, J.M./ Möslein, K. (2014), Service Systems Engineering, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Vol. 6, No.2, 73-79.
  • Cardoso, J., Fromm, H., Nickel, S., Satzger, G., Studer, R., & Weinhardt, C. (Eds.) (2015). Fundamentals of service systems (Vol. 12). Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Chesbrough, H. (2011). Open services innovation: Rethinking your business to grow and compete in a new era. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Rogers, S. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations. 5. ed. New York: Free Press.
  • Satzger, G., Benz, C., Böhmann, T., Roth, A. (2022). Servitization and Digitalization as Siamese Twins – Concepts and Research Agenda. Edvardsson/Tronvoll (eds.): The Palgrave Handbook of Service Management, 967-989.
  • Uebernickel, F., Brenner, W., Pukall, B., Naef, T., & Schindlholzer, B. (2015). Design Thinking: Das Handbuch. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch.
  • Vargo, S.L., Lusch, R.F. (2017). Service-dominant logic 2025. Int. J. Res. Mark. 34, 46–67.
  • Weill, P.; Woerner, S.L. (2018): “What‘s your Digital Business Model? – Six Questions to Help you Build the Next-Generation Enterprise“. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press.


Leveraging data and digital technologies for business success is a key challenge for organizations as they need to

  • get aware of the newly arising potential
  • develop suitable digital services that are user-centric and individualized
  • “servitize” their offering portfolio and business model
  • transform their organizations


This course will equip students with concepts and methods to tackle this challenge along two dimensions: First, we will cover innovation as a concept as well as apply contemporary innovation methods (like Design Thinking, Open Innovation) to the services space. Second, we deal with leveraging innovation to develop new business models (including multi-partner concepts in platforms or ecosystems), to servitize existing business models (e.g., via product-service-systems), and to accordingly transform the organization.


The course links innovation and business model theories with practical examples and exercises. Students are asked to actively engage in the discussion.