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Seminar in Statistics B (Master) [T-WIWI-103484]

Examination of another type
Each term



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Course Number Name SWS Type
SS21 2500004Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2521310Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2500004Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2500013Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Machine Learning seminar (S)
WS24 2521310Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2550561Fortgeschrittene Themen zu Statistik, Datenanalyse und maschinellem Lernen (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2500042Interpretable Statistical and Machine Learning Models 2 seminar (S)
WS24 25000111Statistics and Epidemics seminar (S)
SS21 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
WS24 2500047Advanced Topics in Econometrics, Statistics and Data Science 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2550561Spezielle fortgeschrittene Themen der Datenanalyse und Statistik 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2500012 2 seminar (S)
WS24 2500012 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2550561Spezielle fortgeschrittene Themen der Datenanalyse und Statistik 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2550561Spezielle fortgeschrittene Themen der Datenanalyse und Statistik 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2500004Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2521310Advanced Topics in Econometrics 2 seminar (S)


Course Number Name Appointments
SS22 7900250 Data Mining and Applications (Projectseminar)
SS22 7900250 Seminar in Statistics B (Master)
SS22 7900250 Advanced Topics in Econometrics, Statistics and Data Science
SS22 7900250 Topics in Econometrics. Seminar in Economics
SS22 7900250 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
SS22 7900250 Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
SS22 7900250 Topics in Econometrics. Seminar in Economics (Bachelor)
SS22 7900250 Seminar in Statistics B (Master)
SS22 7900250 Predictive Data Analytics - An Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
SS22 7900250 Topics in Econometrics. Seminar in Economics (Bachelor)
SS22 7900250 Data Mining and Applications (Projectseminar)
SS22 7900250 Interpretable Statistical and Machine Learning Models
SS22 7900250 Seminar in Statistics B (Master)
SS22 7900250 Predictive Data Analytics
SS22 7900250 Data Mining and Applications (Projectseminar)

Competence Certificate

Alternative exam assessment (§ 4(2), 3 SPO 2015). The following aspects are included:

  • Regular participation in the seminar dates
  • Preparation of a seminar paper on a partial aspect of the seminar topic according to scientific methods
  • Lecture on the topic of the seminar paper.

The point scheme for the assessment is determined by the lecturer of the respective course. It will be announced at the beginning of the course.




See seminar description in the course catalogue of the KIT (https://campus.kit.edu/)


The listed seminar titles are placeholders. Currently offered seminars of each semester will be published on the websites of the institutes and in the course catalogue of the KIT. In general, the current seminar topics of each semester are already announced at the end of the previous semester. Furthermore for some seminars there is an application required.

The available places are listed on the internet: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu.