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Internet of Things (IoT) [WS202424304]

internship (P)
WS 20/21



  • ITEC Karl

Part of


-This lab aims at providing the student with the practical concept of IoT systems design.
-It provides an overview of the IoT systems’ aspects including embedded intelligence, connectivity, interaction with physical world, etc.
-It covers the main design and implementation issues for IoT devices and their applications. These issues challenge the students to tailor smart techniques to optimize the embedded software on IoT device to meet the constrained resources.
-The students gain in-depth practical experiences in embedded system design with focus on the IoT applications as well as the communication in connected devices.

-This lab is also suitable for electrical engineering students and those who have interest in embedded systems design.
-The ability to develop software programs in C or C++ is recommended.
-Basic knowledge about other programming languages can be helpful (e.g. Java or Python)

The students will understand the main concept of IoT systems including the design objectives, application domains and their requirements, design challenges, etc.

The students will gain the ability to develop software programs for the IoT embedded devices, implement the code on the hardware, conduct the tests, find the bugs and errors, and debug the software code on the hardware.

The students shall be able to implement and apply the concepts that are critical in IoT domain, e.g. low power design, security, ect.

The students will be able to develop, integrate and evaluate a small IoT system with its main components: sensors to get data from physical world, embedded processor for control the device and process the data, wireless radio to transmit the data from the device to the Internet, a storage (on the Internet or on a Smart Phone) to keep the data for further analysis.