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Module Bachelor's Thesis [M-WIWI-106418]

1 Semester



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Identifier Name LP
T-WIWI-113002 Bachelor's Thesis 12

Competence Certificate

The Bachelor Thesis is a written exam which shows that the student can autonomously investigate a scientific problem in Industrial Engineering and Management. The Bachelor Thesis is described in detail in the examination regulation. The review is carried out by at least two examiners of the Department of Economics and Management.

The regular processing time takes six months. On a reasoned request of the student, the examination board can extend the processing time of a maximum of one month. If the Bachelor Thesis is not completed in time, this exam is "failed", unless the student is not being responsible (e.g. maternity leave).

In addition to the written work on the topic, a presentation can be agreed as an obligatory and grade-relevant part of the final thesis. Depending on the agreement, this can take place before submission or after submission on an agreed date. The preparation time for the presentation does not count towards the processing time for the written part, unless it has been included in the total workload for the final project.

With consent of the examiner, the thesis can be written in English as well. Other languages require besides the consent of the examiner the approval of the examination board. The issue of the Bachelor Thesis may only returned once and only within the first month of processing time. A new topic has to be released within four weeks.

The overall grade of the module is the grade of the Bachelor Thesis.

Competence Goal

The student can independently work on a relevant topic in accordance with scientific criteria within the specified time frame.

He/she is in a position to research, analyze the information, abstract and identify basic principles and regulations from less structured information.

He/she reviews the task ahead, can select scientific methods and techniques and apply them to solve a problem or identify further potential. This is basically also done under consideration of social and/or ethical aspects.

He/she can interpret, evaluate and if required, graphically present the obtained results.

He/she is in a position to clearly structure a research paper and communicate in writing using the technical terminology.


The prerequisite for admission to the Bachelor's Thesis module is that the student has
has successfully passed module examinations amounting to 120 LP, all compulsory modules without elective from the subjects according to § 20 paragraph 2 number 1 to 8 and the seminar module.

The examination board decides on exceptions upon application by the student.

It is recommended to complete the Bachelor thesis in the 5th or 6th semester.

The respective institute-specific regulations for the supervision of the Bachelor thesis are to be observed.

The Bachelor thesis must bear the following statement:

„Ich versichere wahrheitsgemäß, die Arbeit selbstständig angefertigt, alle benutzten Hilfsmittel vollständig und genau angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unverändert oder mit Abänderungen entnommen wurde.“  

If this declaration is not included, the work will not be accepted.


The Bachelor Thesis is the first major scientific work. The topic of the Bachelor Thesis will be chosen by the student themselves and adjusted with the examiner. The topic has to be related to Economics Engineering and has to refer to subject-specific or interdisciplinary problems.




See German version.