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Case Studies in Sales and Pricing [WS192572182]

block (B)
WS 19/20



  • Marketing & Sales

Part of


Homburg, Christian (2016), Marketingmanagement, 6. Aufl., Wiesbaden.


Students work in groups on case studies from the field of sales and pricing. The case studies contain quantitative calculations in the context of sales and pricing as well as tasks which are to be solved by logical reasoning. When solving the case studies, theoretical sales and pricing content is applied to practical problems. Finally, the results are presented by the group and discussed.


  • are able to work on a case study in the field of sales and pricing on their own
  • are able to apply quantitative calculations on a case study in the field of sales and pricing
  • are able to collect information and data beyond the case study description and make use of them for solving their tasks
  • are able to apply theories from related lectures to a practical example
  • are able to present their results in a a structured and concise manner
  • are able to organize their teamwork and collaborate in teams

Total work load for 1.5 ECTS: ca. 45 hours

  • The final presentations can be held in German or English.
  • In order to participate in this course, you need to apply. Applications are usually accepted at the start of the lecture period in winter term. Detailed information on the application process is usually provided on the website of the Marketing and Sales Research Group (marketing.iism.kit.edu) shortly before the lecture period in winter term starts.
  • Please note that only one of the 1.5-ECTS courses can be chosen in the module.
  • Please note: The number of participants for this course is limited. The Marketing and Sales Research Group typically provides the possibility to attend a course with 1,5 ECTS in the respective module to all students. Participation in a specific course cannot be guaranteed.