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Basic Principles of Economic Policy [T-WIWI-103213]

Written examination
see Annotations



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Course Number Name SWS Type
SS20 2560280Basic Principles of Economic Policy 2 lecture (V)
SS23 2560280Basic Principles of Economic Policy 2 lecture (V)
SS21 2560280Basic Principles of Economic Policy 2 lecture (V)
SS22 2560280Basic Principles of Economic Policy 2 lecture (V)
SS24 2560280Basic Principles of Economic Policy 2 lecture (V)
SS23 2560281Exercises of Basic Principles of Economic Policy 1 exercise (Ü)
SS21 2560281Exercises of Basic Principles of Economic Policy 1 exercise (Ü)
SS22 2560281Exercises of Basic Principles of Economic Policy 1 exercise (Ü)
SS20 2560281Exercises of Basic Principles of Economic Policy 1 exercise (Ü)
SS24 2560281Exercises of Basic Principles of Economic Policy 1 exercise (Ü)


Course Number Name Appointments
WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy
WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy
WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy
WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy

20.02.2024 - 08:00

WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy

01.08.2023 - 10:00

WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy

29.07.2024 - 11:00

WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy

02.08.2022 - 02:00

WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy
WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy

21.02.2023 - 11:00

WS21 7900079 Basic Principles of Economic Policy

17.03.2022 - 12:00

Competence Certificate

Depending on further pandemic developments, the examination will be offered either as a 60-minute written examination (written examination according to SPO § 4 Abs. 2, Pkt. 1) or as an open-book examination (alternative exam assessment according to SPO § 4 Abs. 2, Pkt. 3).




Basic knowledge of micro- and macroeconomics is assumed, as taught in the courses Economics I [2610012], and Economics II [2600014].


Please note that the lecture will not be held in summer semester 2021. The exam is offered. 


Theory of general economic policy and discussion of current economic policy topics:

  • Goals of economic policy,
  • Instruments and institutions of economic policy,
  • Triad of regional, national and European economic policies,
  • special fields of economic policy, in particular growth, employment, provision of public infrastructure and climate policy.

Learning objectives:

Students learn:

  • To apply basic concepts of micro- and macroeconomic theories to economic policy issues.
  • to develop arguments on how state intervention in the market can be legitimized from a welfare economic perspective
  • to derive theory-based policy recommendations.

Learning content:

  • Market interventions: microeconomic perspective
  • Market interventions: macroeconomic perspective
  • Institutional economic aspects
  • Economic policy and welfare economics
  • Economic policy makers: Political-economic aspects


  • Total effort at 4.5 LP: approx. 135 hours
  • Presence time: approx. 30 hours
  • Self-study: approx. 105 hours


See course announcement


See course announcement