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Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor) [T-WIWI-103486]

Examination of another type
Each term



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Course Number Name SWS Type
SS22 2581030Seminar Energiewirtschaft IV 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2540524Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2530374Machine Learning for Business Applications 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2581976Seminar in Production and Operations Management I 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2540477Digital Experience & Participation 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2540472Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2530580Seminar in Finance 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2581977Seminar Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik II 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2540478Smart Grid Economics & Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2540475Digital Platforms, Markets & Work 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2581980 Seminar Energy Economics II: Current Trends on European Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2581980Seminar Energiewirtschaft II 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2579909Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2500019Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2540478Smart Grid Economics & Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2540557Information Systems and Design (ISSD) Seminar 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2579919Seminar in Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2540477Digital Experience & Participation 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2573010Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2571180Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2500028Literature Seminar - Empirical Asset Pricing: Modeling Equity Markets 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2581980Seminar Energiewirtschaft II 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2500045Digital Democracy - Challenges and Opportunities of the Digital Society 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2540524Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2530374 Data-Driven Investments 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2500020Digital Democracy - Challenges and opportunities of the digital society 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2540473Data Science in Service Management 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2579909Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2540473Business Data Analytics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2500125Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar 3 seminar (S)
WS21 2540475Electronic Markets & User behavior 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2500125Human-Centered Systems Seminar: Engineering 3 seminar (S)
SS21 2500125Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar 3 seminar (S)
WS19 2581976Seminar in Production and Operations Management I 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2579919Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2540557Research Seminar: Human-Centered Systems 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2540557Human-Centered Systems Seminar: Research 3 seminar (S)
WS23 2540475Positive Information Systems 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2573010Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2581980Seminar Energiewirtschaft II 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2581990 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2571187Seminar Digital Marketing (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2579919Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2500125Engineering Seminar: Human-Centered Systems 3 seminar (S)
SS24 2540475Platforms & Digital Experiences 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2540472Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2500028Seminar in Empirical Finance 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2579919Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2530610Seminar in Financial Economics (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2579919Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2540478Smart Grids and Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2540478Smart Grids and Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2540477Digital Experience and Participation 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2540524Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2581030Seminar in Energy Economics 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2571180Seminar in Marketing und Vertrieb (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2581980 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2581976Seminar in Production and Operations Management I 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2571180Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2573010Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2530374Machine Learning for Business Applications 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2530293Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2581990 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2540473Data Science in Service Management 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2579909Seminar Management Accounting 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2540475Electronic Markets & User behavior 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2530610Seminar Financial Economics seminar (S)
WS20 2540557Information Systems and Service Design Seminar 3 seminar (S)
SS21 2530293Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2581980 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2581977Seminar Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik II 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2530580Seminar in Finance: Personal Finance 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2581990 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2579911Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2530586 seminar (S)
WS20 2579919Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2581980Seminar in Energy Economics 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2581990 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2573011Seminar: Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2540557Information Systems and Service Design Seminar 3 seminar (S)
WS20 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2573011Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2540477Digital Experience and Participation 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2581981Seminar in Energy Economics 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2530580Seminar in Finance: Green is the new Black 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2500006Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2500125Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar 3 seminar (S)
WS22 2573011Seminar: Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2581030Seminar Energiewirtschaft IV 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2581976Seminar in Production and Operations Management I 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2530610Seminar in Financial Economics 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2530610Seminar in Financial Economics: Fintech on the Rise (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2573010Seminar: Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2581981 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2579909Seminar Management Accounting 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2540557Information Systems and Service Design Seminar 3 seminar (S)
SS21 2540478Smart Grid Economics & Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2540553Interactive Analytics Seminar 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2579909Seminar Management Accounting 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2540475Electronic Markets & User behavior 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2530580Seminar in Finance 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2530293Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes) 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2500027Design Seminar: Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2500019Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2581030Seminar Energiewirtschaft IV: Aktuelle Themen der Energiepolitik 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2573010Seminar: Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2530374Machine Learning for Business Applications 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2540588Economic Psychology in Action 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2540553User-Adaptive Systems Seminar 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2581979Seminar in Energy Economics 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2581976Seminar in Production and Operations Management I 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2581981Seminar in Energy Economics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2540478Smart Grids and Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2540477Digital Experience and Participation 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2581977Seminar in Production and Operations Management II 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2581981 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2581977Seminar in Production and Operations Management II 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2579919Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2581981 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2581978Seminar in Production and Operations Management III 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2540473Business Data Analytics 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2540553User-Adaptive Systems Seminar 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2540478Smart Grids and Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2530580Seminar in Finance 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2573011Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2530610Seminar Financial Economics 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2573010Seminar: Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2540473Business Data Analytics 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2540524Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2581977Seminar Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik II 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2540524Bachelorseminar aus Data Science 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2540524Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2573011Seminar: Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2573011Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2573011Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2579919Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2581030Seminar in Energy Economics 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2581990 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2540478Smart Grids and Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2540477Digital Experience & Participation 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2581977Seminar in Production and Operations Management II 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2530293Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes) 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2530293Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes) 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2500165Student2Startup 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2581030Seminar Energiewirtschaft IV 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2581030Seminar Energiewirtschaft IV 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2581980Seminar Energiewirtschaft II 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2579919Seminar in Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2540524Bachelor Seminar aus Data Science 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2579919Seminar in Management Accounting - Special Topics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2540557Information Systems and Design (ISSD) Seminar 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2540477Digital Experience and Participation 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2540524Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2571180Seminar in Marketing und Vertrieb (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2540473Data Science in Service Management 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2581978Seminar Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik III 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2573010Seminar: Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2540557Literature Review Seminar: Information Systems and Service Design 3 seminar (S)
WS21 2573011Seminar: Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2571181Seminar in Marketing und Vertrieb (Master) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2500125Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar 3 seminar (S)
WS21 2500019Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2540478Smart Grid Economics & Energy Markets 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2540557Research Seminar: Human-Centered Systems 3 seminar (S)
SS24 2540473Business Data Analytics 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2540524Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2500033Machine Learning for Business Applications 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2500125Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar 3 seminar (S)
SS23 2581980Seminar Energiewirtschaft II 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2581990 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2540553User-Adaptive Systems Seminar 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2500024Biosignals in Information Systems & Marketing 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2540475Positive Information Systems 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2530374Machine Learning for Business Applications 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2545011Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2) 2 seminar (S)
SS22 2540472Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2540473Business Data Analytics 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2581977Seminar Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik II 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2581978Seminar in Production and Operations Management III 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2540524Bachelor Seminar aus Data Science 2 seminar (S)
SS20 2573010Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2530580Seminar in Finance 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2571187Seminar Digital Marketing (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS21 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2500125Engineering Seminar: Human-Centered Systems 2 seminar (S)
SS23 2581977Seminar Produktionswirtschaft und Logistik II 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2581977Seminar in Production and Operations Management II 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2530610Seminar in Financial Economics (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2500027Design Seminar: Digital Citizen Science 2 seminar (S)
WS19 2573011Seminar: Human Resource Management (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
WS20 2573010Seminar: Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor) 2 seminar (S)
SS24 2500020Digital Democracy - Challenges and opportunities of the digital society 2 seminar (S)
SS21 2571180Seminar in Marketing und Vertrieb (Master) 2 seminar (S)
WS22 2545010Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1) 2 seminar (S)
WS23 2500215Entrepreneurship Seasonal School 2 block (B)


Course Number Name Appointments
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Seminar Electronic Markets & User Behavior
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar "Finance in a nutshell"
WS23 2500215 Human-Centered Systems Seminar: Engineering
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management II
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration B (Master)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Smart Grid and Energy Markets
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Research Seminar: Human-Centered Systems
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Human-Centered Systems Seminar: Research
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Information Systems and Design (ISSD) Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance
WS23 2500215 Seminar Smart Grid and Energy Markets
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
WS23 2500215 Seminar Positive Information Systems
WS23 2500215 Information Systems and Design (ISSD) Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management II
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 A Review of Literature Examining the Impact of AI Accuracy and Reliance on AI in Human-AI Team Performance
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management IV
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics IV
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics IV
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Engineering Seminar: Human-Centered Systems
WS23 2500215 Seminar Financial Economics
WS23 2500215 Design Seminar: Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics II
WS23 2500215 Electronic Markets & User behavior (Seminar)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Economic Psychology in Action
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Experience and Participation
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics I
WS23 2500215 Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
WS23 2500215
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

29.11.2021 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Platforms, Markets & Work
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Information Systems and Service Design Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance: Green Finance - What Does Sustainability Cost?
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics II
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III: Current Topics in Risk and Crisis Management
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Machine Learning for Business Applications
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics II
WS23 2500215 Machine Learning for Business Applications
WS23 2500215 Home Office Design Seminar: Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes)

10.06.2020 - 08:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics II
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

20.06.2022 - 09:00

WS23 2500215
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management II
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215
WS23 2500215 User-adaptive Systems Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)

16.12.2019 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Financial Economics: Macro Finance
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Student2Startup
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management II
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Smart Grid and Energy Markets
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Engineering Seminar: Human-Centered Systems
WS23 2500215 Seminar Financial Economics "Financial crises over the past 100 years" (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Information Systems and Design (ISSD) Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
WS23 2500215 Seminar Smart Grid and Energy Markets
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics
WS23 2500215 Information Systems and Design (ISSD) Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

30.11.2020 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar Positive Information Systems
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Bachelor Seminar in Data Science
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics V
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar: Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Research Seminar: Human-Centered Systems
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management II
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Democracy – Challenges and Opportunities of the Digital Society
WS23 2500215
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Experience and Participation
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Entrepreneurship Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Home Office Design Seminar: Digital Citizen Science
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics I
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Experience and Participation
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar Strategic Management (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A (Master)
WS23 2500215 Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor) - Data Science for Human-Centric AI-Based Service Design
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)

18.12.2020 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A (Master)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics II
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 Seminar Financial Economics
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics I
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Innovation Processes Live
WS23 2500215
WS23 2500215 Information Systems and Design (ISSD) Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Experience and Participation
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management II
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)- Data Sharing & Data Trading
WS23 2500215 Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A (Master)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)

29.06.2020 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar Financial Economics "FinTech on the Rise" (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics IV
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

15.06.2020 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Interactive Analytics Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Democracy – Challenges and Opportunities of the Digital Society
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)

11.07.2022 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar Smart Grid and Energy Markets
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Financial Economics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics IV
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics (Master)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics II
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Experience and Participation
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Electronic Markets & User Behavior
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics II
WS23 2500215 Electronic Markets & User behavior (Seminar)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Marketing and Sales (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics IV
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Collaborative Development of Conversational Agents
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance: Personal Finance
WS23 2500215 Seminar Electronic Markets & User behavior
WS23 2500215
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Security of Supply and Resilient Supply Chain
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Interactive Analytics Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance
WS23 2500215 User-adaptive Systems Seminar
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Sustainability Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance (Bachelor): Green is the new Black
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance (Bachelor, Prof. Ruckes)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management III
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A
WS23 2500215 Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
WS23 2500215 Current Topics in Digital Transformation Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Business Data Analytics (Master)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A (Master)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Finance (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Platforms, Markets & Work
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor) - Porsche
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics III
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management I
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration A
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Production and Operations Management II
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 1)
WS23 2500215 Literature Review Seminar: Information Systems and Service Design (Seminar)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Digital Marketing (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 User-Adaptive Systems Seminar
WS23 2500215 Seminar Energy Economics V
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)

22.11.2021 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

21.06.2021 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Basics (Track 2)
WS23 2500215 Entrepreneurship Seasonal School
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resources and Organizations (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Human Resource Management (Bachelor)

25.11.2019 - 09:00

WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Seminar Management Accounting - Special Topics (Bachelor)
WS23 2500215 Bachelor Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
WS23 2500215 Seminar in Business Administration (Bachelor)

Competence Certificate

Alternative exam assessment (§ 4(2), 3 SPO 2015). The following aspects are included:

  • Regular participation in the seminar dates
  • Preparation of a seminar paper on a partial aspect of the seminar topic according to scientific methods
  • Lecture on the topic of the seminar paper.

The point scheme for the assessment is determined by the lecturer of the respective course. It will be announced at the beginning of the course.




See seminar description in the course catalogue of the KIT (https://campus.kit.edu/)


The listed seminar titles are placeholders. Currently offered seminars of each semester will be published on the websites of the institutes and in the course catalogue of the KIT. In general, the current seminar topics of each semester are already announced at the end of the previous semester. Furthermore for some seminars there is an application required.

The available places are listed on the internet: https://portal.wiwi.kit.edu.