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Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services [T-WIWI-110339]

Written examination
Each summer term



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Course Number Name SWS Type
SS20 2511032Applied Informatics - Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services 2 lecture (V)
SS24 2511032Applied Informatics - Internet Computing 2 lecture (V)
SS21 2511032Applied Informatics - Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services 2 lecture (V)
SS23 2511032Applied Informatics - Internet Computing 2 lecture (V)
SS22 2511032Applied Informatics - Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services 2 lecture (V)
SS21 2511033Übungen zu Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing 1 exercise (Ü)
SS24 2511033Übungen zu Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing 1 exercise (Ü)
SS20 2511033Übungen zu Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing 1 exercise (Ü)
SS22 2511033Übungen zu Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing 1 exercise (Ü)
SS23 2511033Übungen zu Angewandte Informatik - Internet Computing 1 exercise (Ü)


Course Number Name Appointments
WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics - Internet Computing (Registration until 18 July 2022)

01.08.2022 - 11:00

WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics - Internet Computing (Registration until 17 July 2023)

31.07.2023 - 11:00

WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics - Internet Computing (Registration until 21 July 2024)

29.07.2024 - 11:00

WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services (Registration until 08 February 2021)
WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics - Internet Computing (Registration until 12 July 2021)

27.07.2021 - 02:30

WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services

20.02.2024 - 02:00

WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services

20.02.2023 - 08:00

WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics - Internet Computing (Registration until 13 July 2020)
WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services

14.02.2022 - 11:00

WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services
WS24 79AIFB_AI-IC_B4 Applied Informatics – Principles of Internet Computing: Foundations for Emerging Technologies and Future Services

18.02.2025 - 02:00

Competence Certificate

The assessment consists of a written exam (60 min) according to Section 4(2), 1 of the examination regulation. The successful completion of the exercises is recommended for the written exam, which is offered at the end of the winter semester and at the end of the summer semester.

Successful participation in the exercise by submitting correct solutions to 50% of the exercises can earn a grade bonus. If the grade of the written exam is at least 4.0 and at most 1.3, the bonus will improve it by one grade level (i.e. by 0.3 or 0.4). 




Knowledge of content of the modules Basic Notions of Computer Science and Algorithms I is expected.


Replaces from winter semester 2019/2020 T-WIWI-109445 "Applied Informatics - Internet Computing".