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Embedded Systems: Architectures and Technologies [SS212400148]

seminar (S)
Präsenz/Online gemischt
SS 2021



  • KIT-Fakultät für Informatik

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In our seminars, students learn about cutting-edge research in the research fields presented below. Students are offered topics by the supervisors, but also can suggest their own topics in these fields. The seminar is offered in both English and German.

Dependability for Reconfigurable Architectures

Dependability has become one of the prime concerns in recent nano-era. Reliability (the ability of system to deliver services as specified) and Security (the ability of the system to protect itself against deliberate or accidental intrusion) are the two crucial attributes of dependable systems. Among the other reliability threats due to physical limits of CMOS technology, radiation induced soft-errors or transient faults are also the most challenging threat to be handled. During this seminar, we will explore state-of-the-art for the power-efficient Soft-error reliability and study different research solutions to improve soft-error resiliency in power efficient manner leveraging power-performance-reliability trade-offs. During this seminar, the students will also be able to understand hardware security in reconfigurable architectures, and learn the ways to insert Trojan in an FPGA design/IP and explore different techniques to detect such stealthy Trojans, such as bitstream reverse engineering using Open Source Tool flow.

Thermal and Power Aware Embedded Systems

Power densities are continuously increasing along with technology scaling and the integration of more transistors into smaller areas, potentially resulting in thermal emergencies on the chip. To mitigate such emergencies, power and thermal management techniques are employed. The state-of-the-art power and thermal management techniques can be classified into several categories, such as reactive and proactive techniques, centralized and distributed ones. Recently, machine learning algorithms are employed in power and thermal management techniques to make them more proactive and adaptive. Those various categories of the state-of-the-art techniques need to be reviewed in this seminar to demonstrate the advantage and disadvantage of each of them.

Security of Reconfigurable Embedded Systems

Various types of (re)configurable systems have emerged in recent years. The spectrum ranges from one-time configurable systems that are programmed at the design time for product-specific requirements, to reconfigurable systems that can also be adapted after commissioning, to dynamically reconfigurable systems whose configuration can be changed at runtime and their ability to dynamic reconfiguration is an important part of their system functionality.
This seminar focuses on the runtime reconfigurable systems, their security aspects and methods. It investigates the current state of research for securing the runtime reconfigurable systems, as well as the feasibility of using the security measures from general processing architectures to runtime reconfigurable systems.

Run-time Resource Management for Operating Systems
As the complexity of multi/many-core architectures increases, operating systems must evolve to adapt to the diversity of computing, memory and communication on-chip resources, as well the as the emerging goals and requirements of these complex systems. In this scenario, run-time (dynamic) resource management has been established as an effective technique to improve and balance critical metrics, such as performance, reliability, efficiency and quality of service (QoS). In this seminar, students will study the background and current trends in on-chip resource management, by identifying the nature of the chip's resources, the relevant metrics on high-end systems, and the state-the-art techniques to manage those resources, varying from models and heuristics to machine learning approaches.