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Master's Thesis [M-MATH-102917]

Jedes Semester
1 Semester



  • KIT-Fakultät für Mathematik

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Identifier Name LP
T-MATH-105878 Master's Thesis 30

Competence Certificate

The Master's Thesis is graded according to the regulations from §14 (7) of Studien- und Prüfungsordnung. The handling time is six months. On submission of the Master's Thesis, according to §14 (5) the students have to confirm, that the thesis has been written independently without using undisclosed sources and tools, that passages which have been copied literally or in content have clearly been marked as such, and that the by-laws to implement scientific integrity at KIT in the recent version have been taken into account. If this confirmation is not contained, the thesis gets rejected. In case of a wrong confirmation, the thesis is graded with "not sufficient" (5.0). The thesis may be written in English.

If the thesis is planned to be written outside the KIT-departments of Mathematics or Economics and Management, the approval by the examination board is required.

Further details are regulated by §14 of Studien- und Prüfungsordnung.

Competence Goal

The students are able to work on a given topic independently and in a limited time, using scientific methods from the state of the art. They master the necessary scientific methods and techniques, modify them if necessary and  develop them further if required. Alternative approaches are compared critically. In their thesis, the students write up their results clearly structured and in a way adequate to academic standards.


For admission to the module Master's Thesis it is required that the student has successfully  accomplished module examinations of at least 70 credit points.


Following §14 SPO the thesis should demonstrate that the students are able to work on a given topic from their course of studies independently and in a bounded time, using scientific methods from the state of the art. The students should have the opportunity to make suggestions for their topic. If the student petitions, in exceptional cases the head of the examination board takes care that the student receives a topic for a master thesis within four weeks. In that case, the topic is given by the head of the examination board. Further details are regulated by §14 of Studien- und Prüfungsordnung.


Total work load: 900 hours

Attendance: 0 hours

Self studies: 900 hours