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Project Course Coding da Vinci - Cultural Heritage Hackathon (Bachelor) [SS222512602]

internship (P)
Präsenz/Online gemischt
SS 2022



  • Information Service Engineering

Part of


Cultural heritage includes tangible and intangible heritage assets inherited from past generations. Cultural heritage data are usually stored in galleries, museums, archives and libraries (GLAM institutions) and in recent years, efforts by culture domain experts and computer scientists have begun to make this data more findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable by the general public, but also by researchers in the domains of history, social science, etc. This seminar follows up on these efforts by having student groups participate in the official Coding da Vinci culture hackathon with guidance and coaching by the course tutors.

The culture hackathon Coding da Vinci has brought together the cultural sector with creative technology communities to explore the creative potential of digital cultural heritage. Over a sprint of seven weeks the hackathon teams, together with representatives of cultural institutions, develop working prototypes that show surprising and inspiring new ways to make use of institutions' collections and artifacts in the digital age.

As part of this “Projektpraktikum”, the students will take part in the official hackathon “Coding da Vinci Baden-Württemberg” (https://codingdavinci.de/index.php/de/events/baden-wuerttemberg-2022). They will form groups and implement their own interesting culture project by using the dataset(s) provided by Coding da Vinci. The goal is to create a project that is useful for the culture community and helps to explore and experience cultural heritage data in an interesting, innovative and fun way. 

This “Projektpraktikum” is furthermore a chance to network with the community of culture enthusiasts and developers while creating a working application that adds value to the community. The groups will present their work at the official Codings da Vinci kick-off event and the award ceremony. 

Contributions of the students:

The students will form groups of 3-4 people. They will be expected to first get familiar with datasets presented in the event, the technologies and methods they will utilize and will develop their own project idea. Each group will present their project idea on May 07, 2022 at the Coding da Vinci BW kick-off and will officially start the implementation of their project. On June 24, 2022, each group will present their final project at the official Coding da Vinci BW award ceremony. Following the event, each group will prepare a scientific seminar paper of not more than 16 pages. 


Each group will implement their project idea based on the datasets given in the event  using open source software and will publish their code using an open license via github. 

Learning Goals:

  • Basic understanding of knowledge graphs and Natural Language Processing
  • Independent and self-organized realization of a group project
  • Planning and execution of design, implementation and quality assurance of the group project
  • Preparation of a scientific seminar paper for the group  project of 16 pages
  • Presentation of the group project  in a comprehensible and structured manner 


The registration period for this course lasts from 01.02.2022 until 22.04.2022. The places are expected to be allocated on 25.04.2022 and must be accepted by the student within two days.
If you have any questions regarding the registration or course content, please contact tabea.tietz@kit.edu and oleksandra.bruns@kit.edu .

Modules: Informatik


20.04.2022 Plenary meeting: Introduction and Course Organization

27.04.2022 Plenary meeting: Forming of student groups and discussion of datasets

07.05.2022 Official Coding da Vinci Kick-off Event: Presentation of group idea

11.05.2022 Individual group sessions: Fixing a project plan and timeline

18.05.2022 Individual group sessions: Weekly progress meeting 

25.05.2022 Individual group sessions: Weekly progress meeting

01.06.2022 Individual group sessions: Weekly progress meeting

08.06.2022 Individual group sessions: Weekly progress meeting

15.06.2022 Individual group sessions: Weekly progress meeting

22.06.2022 Individual group sessions: Weekly progress meeting

24.06.2022 Official Coding da Vinci Award Ceremony: Final Presentation 

17.08.2022 Seminar paper submission and finalization (and documentation) of the code