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Internship [M-WIWI-101419]

1 Semester



  • KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Part of


Identifier Name LP
T-WIWI-102611 Internship 10

Competence Certificate

The assessment is carried out by the evidence of completed full-time internships of at least 12 weeks with at least 20 working hours per week and a presentation of the internship in the form of a written report on the activities. The internship is not graded.

1. Information on evidence of completed full-time internships:

The internship is proofed by the certificate of the intern's office. The certificate has to be formally correct with official corporate letterhead and handwritten countersigned by a responsible employee of the company.

The certificate must at least contain the following information:

* Company / Location
* Duration: from ... to ...
* Hours of work (weakly)
* Working interruption, indicating the vacation and sick days
* Department
* Headwords to the activitis

2. Information on to the presentation:

The internship report should be at least one page (typewritten, not handwritten) for each Location. It must be countersigned by a representative of the intern's office.

Competence Goal

  • has general insight into the essential processes in a company,
  • is in a position to identify operation correlations and has the knowledge and skills to facilitate a fast understanding of the processes in the company,
  • in addition to practical professional experience and competences, also has key competences such as own initiative, ability to work in a team and communication skills as well as ability to integrate into corporate hierarchies and procedures,
  • has the experience to accomplish complex IT and business tasks under realistic conditions within the framework of the relevant legal aspects and while applying the total acquired knowledge (interlaced thinking),
  • has an idea of the professional development potential in the economy through pursuit of study-related activities,
  • knows the technical and professional requirements in the individually targeted future occupation and can take this knowledge into account for the future planning of his/her studies and career,
  • can assess and estimate own technical and professional strengths and weaknesses through his/her evaluation of the company.




The internship may be done in economic, business and/or technical companies. At best, it is done on activities which are located at the intersection of the two fields - getting to know the specific requirements of Industrial Engineering and Management.

A commercial internship provides an insight into business or administrative processes of business transactions. Therefor departments such as controlling, organizing, marketing and planning appear particularly suitable.

Work experiences in the departments of engineering, work preparation and provision of material or IT cover more technical aspects of the internship. But work experiences in an engineering firm go with a technical internship.

It remains the companies and interns left, which stations and areas the intern will eventually go through. But the focus should always be in accordance with operational realities of the company.


The total workload for this module is approximately 300 hours.