
Get in touch with students of Industrial Engineering and Management, Information Systems and Digital Economics at the KIT Department of Economics and Management !

Looking for motivated designers of the Digital Economy? Students of the KIT Department of Economics and Management excel in interdisciplinary competencies at the interfaces of economics, computer science, and engineering. The KIT Department of Economics and Management maintains a strong partner network and supports companies in their search for the talents of tomorrow. With about 3,800 students, the KIT Department of Economics and Management is one of the largest at KIT.

We offer companies a direct opportunity to get in touch with highly qualified students and potential employees.

But not only companies benefit from this partnership. Students gain practical insights into various professional fields through events, excursions, and exchanges with companies. We will keep you up to date on current events in our event calendar and on Instagram and LinkedIN. Looking for a part-time job? Maybe you will find what you are looking for in the career portal of the KIT Department of Economics and Management.


Our Partners 2024/2025



News from our partners

code and create logomsg
Code & Create Hackathon and Workshops

msg invites students to the Code & Create Hackathon event. The task is to develop a functional social media platform for specific communities. The application deadline is 06.11.

In addition, msg offers students workshops to get to know the project management methods Scrum, Kanban, the creativity technique Design Thinking, as well as the programming language Kotlin. Travel costs to the workshops will be covered.

About the Workshops
cbs Artikel 2024cbs Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung GmbH
From working student to consulting director in SAP consulting

From working student to consulting director in SAP consulting - it's possible at cbs Corporate Business Solutions!
Maximilian Thür, Consulting Director at cbs, reports in this article about his career and what makes working at cbs special for him. Max especially likes the variety in his job: “every project is unique because you always have to deal with different personalities and industries.”

Learn More
One Day at work
One Day at Work Videos

What does everyday working life look like at our partner companies? Take a look at the employees' desks and to-do lists in the One Day at Work videos on the KIT-WiW YouTube channel.

To the Videos

Be part of the partner network

Taking the talents of tomorrow by the hand

Are you interested in a partnership with the KIT Department of Economics and Management ? Get in touch with Kirsten Greiner (Tel: +49 721 608-41587) or Melanie Ungemach (Tel: 0721 608-46523) or fill out the contact form and find out more about the various cooperation possibilities.

Your advantages:

  • Get in touch with the talents of tomorrow at events, workshops or excursions!
  • High logo presence on our website and on our social media channels.
  • Easy access to further cooperation opportunities in the areas of research, teaching and innovation at the KIT Faculty of Business Administration and Economics.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Cooperation opportunities at a glance

Find the right form of cooperation for your company. We offer the following service packages:
Faculty partnership (€15,000 plus VAT / 1 year)

The following services are offered to you:

  • Logo presence
    • on the faculty website & in the online company profile
    Online presence
    • Posts on the KITWiWi social media channels
    • One-Day-at-Work videos on the KITWiWi YouTube channel,
    • Company-specific article on website & LinkedIn
    • Publication of three premium job advertisements in the Career Service job exchange
    Career events
    • Networking Event
    • Expert Circle
    • Exhibition stand at the "WiWi Partner Exhibition"
    • Networking with employees and students at the annual "Dialogue Day - Business & Technology"
    • Round table: exchange between all partner companies
    • Jury during the pitch session of the Team Projects - Business & Technology


Industrial engineering and management course partnership (€10,000 plus VAT/ 1 year)

The following services are offered to you:

  • Logo presence
    • on the faculty website & in the online company profile
    Online presence
    • Posts on the KITWiWi social media channels
    • One-Day-at-Work videos on the KITWiWi YouTube channel
    • Company-specific article on website & LinkedIn
    • Publication of three premium job advertisements in the Career Service job exchange
    Career events
    • Networking Event
    • Exhibition stand at the "WiWi Partner Exhibition"
    • Jury as part of the pitch session for team projects - Business & Technology
    • Networking with employees and students at the annual "Dialogue Day - Business & Technology"
    • Round table: exchange between all partner companies


Business informatics course partnership (€10,000 plus VAT/ 1 year)

The following services are offered:

  • Logo presence
    • on the faculty website & in the online company profile
    Online presence
    • Posts on the KITWiWi social media channels
    • One-Day-at-Work videos on the KITWiWi social media channel
    • Company-specific article on website & LinkedIn
    • Publication of three premium job advertisements in the Career Service job exchange
    • Networking event or expert circle
    • Exhibition stand at the "WiWi Partner Exhibition"
    • Networking with employees and students at the annual "Dialogue Day - Business & Technology"
    • Round table: exchange between all partner companies


Network partnership (€5,000 plus VAT/1 year)

The following services are offered:

  • Logo presence
    • on the faculty website & in the online company profile
    • Exhibition stand at the "WiWi Partner Exhibition"
    • Networking with employees and students at the annual "Dialogue Day - Business & Technology"
    • Round table: exchange between all partner companies


For further details on the individual packages, please contact Kirsten Greiner (Tel: +49 721 608-41587) or Melanie Ungemach (Tel: +49 721 608-46523).

We look forward to hearing from you, please fill out the contact form or e-mail us.

Contact form

Interested in the following cooperation models

Event Calendar

Audimax, KIT Campus Süd, Straße am Forum 1, 76131 Karlsruhe
Der „Girls’ Day – Mädchen-Zukunftstag“ ist ein bundesweiter Berufsorientierungstag für Mädchen* ab der 5. Klasse. Schülerinnen wird durch den Girls’ Day die Möglichkeit gegeben, Einblicke in Berufsfelder zu erhalten, die selten von Frauen gewählt werden – Felder in den natur- und technikwissenschaftlichen Bereichen.
Um den gängigen Vorurteilen entgegenzusteuern, gibt der Girls’ Day Einblicke in das Studium und in die Ausbildungsstätten am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) mithilfe von Vorträgen, Workshops und Erfahrungsberichten von Mitarbeiter*innen am KIT. Den Schulabsolventinnen soll das breite Berufsspektrum aufgezeigt werden, um ein Interesse an Informatik, Chemie, Mathematik etc. für die Berufswahl zu fördern.   

Am Girls’ Day möchte das KIT und die Organisatorin der Geschäftsstelle Chancengleichheit alle Schülerinnen dazu einladen, an Vorträgen, Workshops und Erfahrungsberichten teilzunehmen und die Vorurteile gegenüber „Männerdomänen“ abzulegen, indem Mitarbeiter:innen des KIT über ihre Erfahrungen in natur- und technikwissenschaftlichen Berufen berichten.

Der nächste Girls' Day am KIT wird am 03. April 2025 stattfinden.

Weitere Informationen zum Girls'Day 2025 und alle angebotene Workshops findet man auf der Seite der Chancengleichheit des KIT: Girl's Day 2025
KIT Campus Süd
Der Tag der offenen Tür ist ein Wissenschaftsfest für die Öffentlichkeit und bildet den Auftakt für das Karlsruher Wissenschaftsfestival "EFFEKTE". Unter dem Slogan „Effektvoll am KIT“ stellt das KIT alle zwei Jahre Experimente und Labore vor und bietet Aktivitäten für Groß und Klein, Vorträge und Mitmachangebote sowie ein unterhaltsames Bühnenprogramm.
Beim Campustag stellen die KIT-Fakultäten ihre Studiengänge vor und bieten tolle Mitmachaktionen, Experimente, Führungen u.v.m. an. Natürlich kommen auch Themen wie Auslandsstudium, Karrierechancen, Bewerbung und Zulassung oder die Unterstützung beim Studieneinstieg nicht zu kurz. Auf Campustouren mit Studienberaterinnen und Studierenden lernt man die wichtigsten Einrichtungen des KIT kennen und kann Fragen zum Studium stellen. Die Hochschulgruppen präsentieren sich auf dem Forum und zeigen die Vielfalt des Campuslebens.
Gebäude 09.20, Blücherstraße 17, 76185 Karlsruhe
The KIT Department of Economics and Management invites you to the “Dialogtag - Business & Technology” on June 26, 2025! In line with the Science Year 2025 and the focus topic of the 200th anniversary of KIT, the guiding theme of the Dialogtag is: “Affordable and Reliable Energy”. We are very pleased that Prof. Antonio J. Conejo, Professor at the Integrated System Engineering Department and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Ohio State University, will give a keynote speech. In addition, doctoral researches will give insights into current research projects in the “WiWi Junior Research Talks”.
The Dialogtag will conclude with the annual faculty celebration and the presentation of the science awards as well as a get-together. All employees, students of the Department of Economics and Management and other interested parties are cordially invited.