
Get in touch with students of Industrial Engineering and Management, Information Systems and Digital Economics at the KIT Department of Economics and Management !
Gebäude KIT-Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Department of Economics and Management

Looking for motivated designers of the Digital Economy? Students of the KIT Department of Economics and Management excel in interdisciplinary competencies at the interfaces of economics, computer science, and engineering. The KIT Department of Economics and Management maintains a strong partner network and supports companies in their search for the talents of tomorrow. With about 3,800 students, the KIT Faculty of Economics is one of the largest at KIT.


We offer companies a direct opportunity to get in touch with highly qualified students and potential employees.

But not only companies benefit from this partnership. Students gain practical insights into various professional fields through events, excursions, and exchanges with companies.



Become part of the partner network

The talents of tomorrow at hand
Studierende am KIT-Campus Süd
Studierende am KIT

Are you interested in a partnership with the KIT Faculty of Economics? Contact Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche or Kirsten Greiner (Tel: +49 721 608-41587) and learn more about the various cooperation opportunities.

Your advantages:

  • Get in touch with the talents of tomorrow at events, workshops or excursions!
  • High logo presence on our website and social media channels.
  • Easy access to further cooperation opportunities in the areas of research, teaching, and innovation of the KIT Faculty of Economics.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Cooperation opportunities at a glance
Find the right form of cooperation for your company. We offer the following service packages:
  • Faculty partnership (15.000€ plus VAT / 1 year)
  • Study program partnership industrial engineering (10.000€ plus VAT/ 1 year)
  • Study program partnership Business Informatics (10.000€ plus VAT/ 1 year)
  • Network partnership (5.000€ plus VAT/ 1 year)
Details about the scope of services of the individual packages are available in a personal conversation.



Event Calendar


Visit Porsche in Stuttgart!

Thursday, 23 May 2024, 9:00-16:30
Treffpunkt: vor dem Haupteingang des Porsche Museums: Porscheplatz 1, 70453 Stuttgart

On May 23, 2024, Porsche is inviting 20 KIT-WiWi students on an excursion to its headquarters in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen.

In addition to exciting insights behind the scenes of Production 4.0 and a guided tour of the Porsche Museum, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about possible career opportunities at Porsche.


A special highlight: KIT alumni and alumnae will provide insights into their own everyday working lives and talk about their very personal (career) path to Porsche.


All students of the KIT Department of Economics and Management are cordially invited to participate.
Be there and register! First come, first served!


The networking event is organized as part of the faculty partnership between Porsche and the KIT Department of Economics and Management.


Frau Lana Calovini
Porsche AG
Porscheplatz 1
70435 Stuttgart
Mail: hochschulmarketing does-not-exist.porsche de
Number of participants
Registration possible till 2024-05-15 23:59.