Current vacancies for internships, working student positions, ...

On this page we publish current offers for internships and working student positions that companies send us.

These offers are not checked for their eligibility for recognition for the compulsory internships of the respective degree programs before they are posted. If you have any questions in this regard, please contact the Faculty's Examinations Office.

Information on the publication of internship offers

The postings are sorted by posting date in descending order, newest entries first. Offers that are no longer current are automatically removed.

Work placements and part time jobs

NoteThe professional internship offers listed here from companies are not checked to see if they meet the conditions for being credited as a compulsory internship in the courses of the KIT Faculty of Economics. If in doubt, we recommend consulting with the Examination Secretariat of the faculty.

Notice of KIT-Inst./Company Description Size
20.02.2025Capgemini InventPraktikant / Werkstudent in der Strategie- und Managementberatung (m/w/d)Link
20.02.2025Capgemini InventPraktikant/Werkstudent im Recruiting & Employer Branding (m/w/d)Link
18.02.2025msgWerkstudent Accounting / Tax (all genders)Link
17.02.2025Carrybots GmbHPflichtpraktikum ERP Implementierung (m/w/d)0kb
07.02.2025Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau (IGZ) e.V.Studentische Hilfskraft/Werkstudent*in (w,m,div.) im Bereich Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (ca. 80 h/Monat) bis zum 31.12.20250kb
03.02.2025KIT ifabInteresse auf Einblicke in empirisch-psychologische Forschung im Bereich Mensch-KI-Interaktion? Forschungspraktikum am ifab0kb
14.01.2025Robert Bosch GmbH BühlPraktikum im Bereich Ramp-Up Management neuer FertigungslinienLink
14.01.2025Robert Bosch GmbH BühlPraktikum Technischer Service in der Produktions- und Automatisierungstechnik - Service Maintenance Engineering, TPMLink