Registration of the thesis

(Attention: Only applies to SPO before 2015)

For the registration of the final thesis (Bachelor's, Master's thesis), some administrative steps are required that differ from the registration of the other examination achievements.

At least one supervisor must be found and an application for admission to the thesis must be submitted. An admission form must be collected from the study office and submitted to the supervising institute.

Application for admission to the thesis (form)

The application for admission to the thesis is made by submitting the completed form to the Examination Board. The form is also used to indicate the expected date of submission of the thesis, as agreed with the supervising examiner.

Supervision of the thesis

The application must be countersigned by the student and the thesis supervisor. These signatures establish the supervisory relationship. At least one supervisor of the thesis must be a (junior) professor (university lecturer) at KIT who is active in teaching. A possible second supervisor (second examiner, co-supervisor) must be an examiner at a KIT faculty.

If the first supervisor of the thesis is outside the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, a second supervisor from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics is obligatory*). For the Information Management degree program, a second supervisor is required if the thesis is written outside the two faculties of Computer Science and Economics. In these cases, the co-supervisor must be an examiner from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics (or the Faculty of Computer Science in the Information Management degree program).


Application for admission

Once an agreement has been reached between the student and the institute after finding a topic and a supervising institute, the next administrative step is the application for admission.

A corresponding form is available for the application for admission.

The form must be completed online in the fields provided, printed out and - together with the other documents relevant to the application - signed and submitted to the examiners for countersignature.

The application can then either be forwarded internally to the Examinations Office of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics or the student can hand in the application and documents there in person (also possible: sending by post/ posting in the PS letterbox).

From there, the application is forwarded directly to SLE/Studierendenservice. SLE/StudServ makes a booking note, which can be checked by the student in the online grade overview ("Application for admission - BE"). From now on, the admission (in the form of a certificate) can be collected directly from SLE/StudServ.

The admission certificate from the study office (see link below) is then handed in to the examining institute at the agreed time (official registration date).

Processing time for PS-WiWi: max. 4 weeks;
Output: none or internal dispatch to SLE/StudServ
Notification strong: only if clarification is required

Admission certificate for final thesis (online form)

Admission requirements

The final thesis is not necessarily the last examination in the degree program - even if this is recommended as a rule. From an examination law perspective, the degree program can also be completed with another examination. However, when planning, it is essential to ensure that all non-examination achievements (internship, SQ courses, coursework ...) have been completed before the last examination achievement. Please note: Some examination regulations also stipulate that all compulsory seminars must be completed before admission to the final thesis. The following always applies: A degree program may only be completed with one examination.

Further documents

If not all other coursework and examinations required for graduation have been completed by the time the application for admission to the thesis is submitted, a current transcript of records and an examination timetable must be enclosed with the application for admission. In the examination timetable, all outstanding work not yet recorded on the transcript of records is allocated to the current semester and the planned semesters until graduation.

Sample examination timetable:

W/S semester 1:
- Exam 1 - [LP specification] - (Module A),
- Exam 2 - [LP specification] - (Module B)...
W/S semester 2:
- Exam 1 - [LP specification] - (Module B),
- Seminar 1 (seminar module),...

This information is only intended to provide an overview and does not constitute a claim on the part of the student to completeness of the final examination if the information is not complete. (Information such as: "Already proven but not yet documented" is also accepted.)

Processing time

  1. Bachelor's thesis
    According to the Wilng and TVWL SPO prior to 2015, a processing time of 3 months is generally provided for the Bachelor's thesis. (Regulations for a longer processing time see also here: Processing time for the Bachelor's thesis in the case of parallel study achievements
  2. Master's thesis
    For all WiWi Master's theses, a processing time of 6 months from the official registration date applies (to be agreed with the examiner).

Extension of the processing time

If there are valid reasons, the processing time can be extended upon application to the Examination Board*. The maximum time allowed by the respective SPO applies (between 1 and 3 months).

*: The application must be submitted in letter form, otherwise informally to the examining instance, stating the student. Key data, the original submission date and the requested date and then forwarded internally to the PS-WiWi with the examiner's approval note. The notification is sent by post to the address given in the application (as well as multiple copies to the examining institute).